TB Alliance

Developing new tuberculosis drugs from marine natural products: Joint research program between OPBIO and TB Alliance announced

OPBIO Factory Co., Ltd. (OPBIO) has signed a research agreement with the Global Alliance for TB Drug Development (TB Alliance). The research program involves the discovery of candidate compounds for tuberculosis (TB) drugs in partnership with TB Alliance.

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TB Alliance launches Phase 2B clinical trial of a novel TB drug regimen that could cut treatment time by half or more for a majority of TB patients

NC-005 trial tests a novel regimen of bedaquiline (Sirturo), pretomanid (formerly known as PA-824), and pyrazinamide; results could pave the way for a three-month TB treatment.

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PA-824 has a new generic name: pretomanid

Pretomanid is a component of two new TB drug regimens being tested by TB Alliance for their ability to transform TB therapy, as well as future planned trials.

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TB Alliance event: Key decisions for formulating tomorrow’s drugs

We need your input. Please join us at an event designed to get your feedback on formulation, color, pill burden, and other preferences for tomorrow’s TB drug regimens.

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First-ever TB/HIV networking zone announced for AIDS 2014

For the first time, the upcoming International AIDS Conference will feature a dedicated hub for discussing the deadly duo of TB-HIV.

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TB Alliance grants Fosun Pharma rights to develop, market promising TB cure in China

TB Alliance, an international non-profit drug development organization that develops better, faster-acting, and affordable tuberculosis (TB) drugs, has announced that it is collaborating with, and has granted an exclusive license to, the Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Development Co., Ltd., and its subsidiary Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Fosun Pharma), to develop and commercialize the first-ever regimen designed to treat both drug-sensitive TB (DS-TB) and multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) for use within People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (Licensed Territory).

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New tuberculosis drug regimen will move to landmark Phase 3 clinical trial

STAND trial will test the first regimen designed to significantly shorten and simplify the treatment of drug-sensitive and drug-resistant TB.

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Register now for webinar: Improving TB treatment for children

You can see here details for an upcoming webinar by the TB Alliance on improving pediatric TB treatment (April 9).

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Launch of study to determine proper TB treatment for babies with TB

Data will guide development of improved TB treatment for infants.

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TB Alliance establishes advisory group to help end neglect of children with TB and get desperately-needed TB medicines to children

TB Alliance, an international non-profit that develops better, faster-acting, and affordable tuberculosis (TB) drugs, announced the establishment of an advisory group of prominent health and development experts that will support the TB Alliance’s initiative to fight TB in children.

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