TB Alliance

TB Alliance and FIND announce collaboration to promote development of TB drugs and diagnostics

NEW YORK, NY/GENEVA, SWITZERLAND A new partnership announced today will increase efforts to coordinate the development of complementary novel tools to fight TB, including drug-resistant TB, and identify emerging drug resistance trends around the globe.

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TB Alliance to present research at ICAAC 2012

The TB Alliance and its partners will be presenting recent advances in TB research and development at the ICAAC 2012 conference. Posters and presentations will detail important findings from the The University of Auckland and TB Alliance’s lead preclinical TB drug candidate, the nitroimidazole, TBA-354.

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Trial signals major milestone in hunt for new TB drugs

Lancet paper finds novel drug regimen could be more effective than existing treatments; TB Alliance’s trial to test drugs in combination saves years in research time.

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TB Alliance launches combination drug trial, establishes new pathway to TB and MDR-TB treatment

Goal is to find new treatment that takes months, not years, and cures multiple forms of tuberculosis.

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TB Alliance launches toolkit to support TB R&D advocacy

The TB Alliance and other organizations spearheading the research and development of new and improved tools to treat, diagnose, and prevent TB need your help to ensure that appropriate levels of political commitment and financial investment are dedicated toward TB R&D.

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TB Alliance and partners awarded grant from NIAID to speed TB R&D

The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) has awarded a grant to the TB Alliance as a member of the Consortium for TB Biomarkers (CTB2) project. The award, distributed over five years, will support the search for tuberculosis (TB) biomarkers, which are biological indicators that can measure the progress of disease or the effects of treatment, and are critical to markedly shortening the time to develop urgently needed new TB regimens.

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