Items tagged with Vaccines

India moving forward in research towards new tools for TB (post)

-- Indigenously developed point-of-care (POC) molecular diagnostic test validated through multi-centric studies and found to be comparable with internationally approved molecular diagnostic test

Study opens new avenue in quest to develop TB vaccine (post)

A team of scientists led by the University of Southampton has taken an important step forward in research efforts that could one day lead to an effective vaccine against the world’s deadliest infectious disease.

TB epidemic desperately needs new vaccination strategies (post)

At the beginning of November, a tuberculosis (TB) outbreak in Minnesota killed six people and made front page news. A single case in New York State made regional news last week. And so it goes, here in the U.S.. Wherever it appears, TB is an unexpected and frightening intrusion likely to draw media attention.

Incentivizing new vaccine development (post)

The flaws in a system appear most vividly when it fails where it is most required to work. Tuberculosis (TB) is one of India’s severest health crises. It kills two Indians every 3 minutes and more than 1,000 people every day. India accounts for 27% of the world’s 10.4 million new TB cases, and 29% of the 1.8 million TB deaths globally. Surely, this says something about the crisis in our public health policy.

Investigation questions transparency for failed TB vaccine (post)

The BMJ inquiry finds that researchers presented only select results from animal experiments when applying for funding and approval for human trials.

Oregon scientist develops promising vaccine against TB (post)

An Oregon scientist has developed a vaccine against tuberculosis that appears to be highly effective against the devastating disease.

Newly-discovered TB blood signal provides early warning for at-risk patients (post)

Tuberculosis can be detected in people with HIV infection via a unique blood signal before symptoms appear, according to a new study.

Flu vaccine may reduce risk for TB (post)

Influenza vaccination may also protect people against tuberculosis, the world’s No. 1 infectious disease killer, according to results from a large nationwide cohort study in Taiwan.

Draft WHO PPCs for new TB vaccines available for public review and comment (post)

The new WHO Preferred Product Characteristics for New Tuberculosis Vaccines draft document is now available online for public review and comment.

Inovio and The Wistar Institute receive more than $4.6 million in R&D funding to advance vaccines against TB & malaria (post)

PLYMOUTH MEETING, Pa., Feb. 12, 2018 -- Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Inc. today announced that the company is collaborating with The Wistar Institute to advance two novel SynCon® vaccine programs against tuberculosis (TB) and malaria, fully funded by more than $4.6 million in total grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the National Institutes of Health (NIH).

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