Items tagged with Vaccines

European researchers identify a mechanism of protection of the new TB vaccine MTBVAC (post)

Researchers at the University of Zaragoza (belonging to CIBERES) and the biopharmaceutical vaccine company Biofabri in Porrino, Spain in partnership with the TuBerculosis Vaccine Initiative (TBVI) are developing a new TB vaccine, MTBVAC. MTBVAC, a live attenuated M.tuberculosis vaccine, has been shown to provide improved protection as compared to BCG and the mechanism behind this greater efficacy has been hypothesized to be due to the ability of MTBVAC to present a wider collection of antigens of M. tuberculosis.

Genetic tweaks to TB could speed up discovery of a new vaccine (post)

“OK, smell this,” says Jeff Wagner, a Harvard postdoc of immunology and infectious disease. He’s pointing to the two flasks of bacteria in front of me. I breathe cautiously from the first vial of yellowish broth. Nothing. “Now this one,” he says, with an identical looking sample. And I’m hit with it: a distinct mint aroma like someone melted down a pack of breath mints.

Texas Biomed part of team receiving five-year, $4.4 million NIH grant for novel TB vaccine testing (post)

San Antonio, Texas (August 21, 2017) – Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death due to infectious disease worldwide. Texas Biomedical Research Institute Associate Scientist Dr. Marie-Claire Gauduin has partnered with Dr. Chinnaswamy Jagannath, professor of pathology and laboratory medicine at McGovern Medical School at UTHealth in Houston to test a modified TB vaccine that, if effective, could prove more powerful and provide longer lasting immunity. Dr. Gauduin and Dr. Jagannath are principal investigators on this study.

BCG jab may protect against TB for nearly twice as long as previously thought (post)

The world’s only licensed tuberculosis (TB) vaccine could offer protection against the disease for nearly twice as long as previously thought, according to new research published in the International Journal of Epidemiology.

Quratis teams with IDRI on TB vaccine (post)

SEATTLE & SEOUL | Aug. 30, 2017: Quratis Inc. announced Wednesday that the company had applied for the phase 2 of clinical trials in Korea for an adult tuberculosis vaccine developed by scientists at the Infectious Disease Research Institute (IDRI). The clinical trial will evaluate the safety and efficacy of the vaccine in the Korean population.

Tuberculosis vaccine may carry dermatological benefits for newborns (post)

Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination within 7 days of birth may reduce the risk of allergic diseases, including atopic dermatitis, according to a study published online September 20 in Allergy.

TBVAC2020 review article now online (post)

TBVAC2020 (a European consortium of TB R&D partners led by TBVI and funded by the EC) gives an update on its progress towards the development of new, safe and affordable TB vaccines – essential to control the TB epidemic and combat AMR.

MTBVAC will move to Phase 2 trials in 2018 (post)

The new Spanish TB vaccine MTBVAC has received 12 million euros to carry out Phase 2a trials in new-borns and in adults in South Africa.

VALIDATE: New international vaccine R&D network established (post)

The UK’s Medical Research Council (MRC) has awarded funds to Prof Helen McShane (University of Oxford) and Associate Prof Helen Fletcher (London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine) to set up 'VALIDATE', an international network of researchers developing vaccines against globally significant diseases caused by complex intracellular pathogens.

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