Items tagged with Treatment
In HIV/TB coinfection, raltegravir may be an alternative to efavirenz (post)
Patients coinfected with HIV and tuberculosis (TB) may benefit from raltegravir as an alternative to efavirenz, new research suggests.
Acquired resistance to second-line drugs increased mortality in TB (post)
Patients with tuberculosis who acquire resistance to second-line drugs were more likely to die than those without resistance, according to CDC researchers.
Shorter TB treatment regimens will reduce cost for patients and their families (post)
Shorter TB treatment regimens will reduce the out-of-pocket expenses incurred by both patients and their family members, who often act as the patients’ guardians. In addition, shorter TB regimens may allow an earlier return to productive activities for patients and their families.
Incorrect medication worsens drug-resistant TB (post)
Experts are concerned that we’re running into an era where we don’t have drugs available because organisms have developed resistance to these drugs.
Global Drug Facility reaches a 58% price reduction for Rifabutin by adding a new supplier to its product catalogue (post)
6, June 2014 – Geneva – The Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility (GDF) has achieved a near 60% reduction in the price of Rifabutin, by including a new supplier into its product catalogue.
USP helps expand worldwide access to key tuberculosis drugs (post)
Rockville, Md., June 10, 2014 — The US Pharmacopeial Convention (USP) is pleased to announce that with the assistance of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) funded Promoting the Quality of Medicines (PQM) program, the first Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient (API) for injectables used in the treatment of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis has been assessed by the World Health Organization and given prequalification status. The prequalification of Capreomycin, the first “second line” anti-tuberculosis API for injectables to achieve this status, is a significant development in the global fight against one of the world’s most prevalent and deadly diseases.
A new partnership to change MDR-TB treatment around the world (post)
Multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) is one of the most serious public health problems in the world today—and the global burden is growing. That’s why we are delighted to announce that UNITAID has awarded Partners In Health a grant that will change how MDR-TB is treated throughout the world.
South Africa: Government to introduce new drug-resistant TB drugs (post)
Government’s small-scale introduction of the first new TB drug in four decades is saving lines and paving the way for more, better and cheaper drugs to treat drug-resistant TB. Many wonder if they will come fast enough for those who need them.
Global Drug Facility offers PASER without the need for cold chain storage (post)
10 June, 2014 - Geneva - GDF supplier Jacobus can now offer PASER that has been permitted storage below +25°C with a shelf life of 24 months. Based on recently submitted stability data - information proving the stability of the product under room temperature conditions - it was accepted by GDF/GFATM.
Roll-out of new TB drug must be handled with care (post)
Janssen Pharmaceuticals, a subsidiary of Johnson and Johnson, has announced that it will make its breakthrough new tuberculosis (TB) drug, Sirturo, available at a discount in 130 developing countries. As the first new antibiotic to be approved to treat TB in over 40 years, Sirturo will be an important new weapon in the aging arsenal of medicines used to treat this deadly disease.
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