Items tagged with TB programs
New guide helps civil society identify EU funding opportunities in Europe (post with simple image)
The TB Europe Coalition launched a guide for civil society organisations across the European region explaining how to access European Union (EU) funding to support their TB and HIV activities.
Advocates call for the Ministry of Health in Cote d’Ivoire to adopt new TB test (post with simple image)
TB advocates urge the Ministry of Health in Cote d’Ivoire to introduce a new, simple, and rapid TB test, TB LAM, which detects TB antigens in urine, and is an important tool for detecting TB in certain populations living with HIV.
Join the #brokenTBpromises campaign (post with simple image)
Join Treatment Action Group in calling for Prime Minister of India Narendra Modi to fix his government’s #brokenTBpromises.
Indian government's poor response may hamper Revised National TB Program (post with simple image)
KOHIMA, NOVEMBER 23: Amidst the growing number of tuberculosis (TB) case findings in the State (Nagaland), the poor response from the government is becoming a cause of concern as it could hamper the programmes undertaken by the Revised National Tuberculosis Programme (RNTCP).
Indonesia launches Ministerial Decree on Tuberculosis (post with simple image)
02 February 2017, Jakarta, Indonesia - The Minister of Health of Indonesia launched the Ministerial Decree on Tuberculosis, that includes details on the policies and guidelines on TB Control, covering strategic issues needed to accelerate TB program implementation - and especially announcing that TB has now become a mandatory notifiable disease in the country.
Walking the talk: Nigeria declares 2017 the year of "Accelerating TB Case Finding" (post with simple image)
02 February 2017 - Nigeria - In an unprecedented effort to address one of the biggest public health threats in Nigeria, the Honourable Minister of Health for Nigeria, Professor Isaac Adewole declared 2017 as the year of "Accelerating TB Case Finding" in the country. The announcement was made last week at the 59th National Council on Health Meeting, held in Umuahia, Abia State. TB is a major public health problem in Nigeria. Case finding remains a major challenge as despite all the efforts, the programme was only able to notify 15% (90,584) of the estimated TB cases (586,000) in the country in 2015. This shows a huge gap in TB case finding which may continue to widen if these missing cases are not detected. In the last ten years, the country has implemented various interventions to address the challenge of low TB case finding. However, achieving the reduction in TB incidence rate for attainment of the 90-(90)- 90 targets as outlined in the Global Plan to End TB 2016-2020, the End TB Strategy targets, and Sustainable Development Goals by 2030 will be a unreachable if something drastic is not done.
‘In crowded slums, buses and trains – TB is everywhere’: Dr. Desai (post with simple image)
As a physician, I witness several heart-wrenching stories everyday. Saurabh’s story, though, is an eye opener – challenging, but with a light at the end of the tunnel.
People-centered care: key to ending TB epidemic in Ukraine (post with simple image)
To end the TB epidemic, Ukraine has only one recipe – to implement quality people-centered TB care! This statement was made by Andriy Klepikov, Executive Director of the Alliance for Public Health at the press conference to mark World Tuberculosis Day.
Do we want to find all 4.3 million missing people with TB? Use sub-national data! (post with simple image)
19-25 April, 2017 - Bangkok, Thailand - A 7 days-long workshop on the use of sub-national data for strategic planning in TB for ten high TB burden countries in Asia - that together account for more than half of the people with TB who are currently missed - concluded in Bangkok.
Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility holds Annual Suppliers Meeting (post with simple image)
04 May 2017 - Lao PDR - More than 25 partner organizations gathered in Luang Prabang, Lao PDR for the 2017 Annual Global Drug Facility (GDF) Suppliers Meeting on 25 - 27 April. Participants included representatives from generic and innovator manufacturers of anti-tuberculosis (TB) medicines, freight forwarding and logistics companies, quality control agencies, IDA Foundation, Vietnam and Lao PDR National TB Programs (NTPs), WHO, the Global Fund, USAID, the US Pharmacopeia’s Promoting the Quality of Medicines program, and GDF staff.
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