Items tagged with TB programs
South Africa aims to detect every TB patient, while a million cases in India slip through the cracks (post with simple image)
South Africa has launched one of the most progressive TB screening campaigns in the world. Budget cuts have nearly derailed India's TB programme.
Uzbekistan: “Please, never give up. You too can beat TB.” (post with simple image)
Tetyana Pylypenko is from Ukraine and has been working with MSF for over 10 years in her home country and abroad. She comes from a nursing background, and in 2014 held the position of Medical Team Leader in Nukus, Karakalpakstan region, Uzbekistan. Below she explains more about her work with tuberculosis (TB) patients.
TB case detection in India: Urgent need to scale up Rapid TB Test Machines and cartridges (post with simple image)
Advocates call for the immediate scale up of rapid, cartridge-based nucleic acid amplification tests, such as GeneXpert MTB/RIF, to detect TB disease and rifampicin resistance.
Call to action: You can help end SA’s TB epidemic (post with simple image)
Tuberculosis (TB) is one of the leading causes of deaths in South Africa and that is why everyone is being encouraged to get screened.
Urgent need to scale up access to new treatment options for MDR-TB in the Philippines (post with simple image)
Given the urgent need to address the MDR-TB epidemic in the Philippines, advocates urge for rapid delivery of the new treatment options to people with MDR-TB.
Hard hitting new report on TB in South Africa (post with simple image)
Tuberculosis in the Age of Drug Resistance and HIV: Lessons from South Africa’s Experience, a report of the CSIS Global Health Policy Center
Nigeria Stop TB Partnership website launched (post with simple image)
24 September 2015 - The Nigeria Stop TB Partnership (NSTBP) has officially launched their website,, at a board meeting held at the KNCV Head office in Abuja.
Uganda: Civil society calls for more HIV/AIDS, TB funding (post with simple image)
November 10, 2015 - Civil society organizations (CSOs) under their umbrella organization the National Forum of People Living with HIV/AIDS Network in Uganda (NAFOPHANU) have launched a campaign to challenge the government to ensure that the country does not run out of essentials drugs.
New toolkit for differentiated care in HIV and TB programs (post with simple image)
The Global Fund prepared a toolkit to help partners implement differentiated care approaches in HIV and TB investments with the aim of maximizing cost efficiency and better serving the different needs of various communities most affected by diseases.
Non-governmental organizations and civil society groups advocate for TB in U.S. government FY2017 appropriations (post with simple image)
As planning for U.S. government spending in fiscal year (FY) 2017 is underway, advocates from U.S.-based NGOs and civil society groups have appealed to legislators to prioritize TB.
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