Items tagged with TB programs

MSF: Innovating to fight tuberculosis in Papua New Guinea (post with simple image)

Tuberculosis (TB) prevalence in Papua New Guinea (PNG) is among the highest in the world, 541 cases/100,000 population/year, with some pockets reported to be three times higher, prompting Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) to respond and reach the most affected communities.

South Africa: National Department of Health Annual Report 2013/14 (post with simple image)

The 208-page report outlines the Department of Health's progress against stated goals for 2013/14 and includes updates on the implementation of the National Health Insurance (NHI).

Anurag Thakur: India, emerging world power, grappling with TB (post with simple image)

India is a country of many paradoxes. On one hand, its mastery of cost-effective technological innovation has made it a leading global example and its massive pool of human resource is second to no other, giving the world some of its best scholars, scientists, doctors, leaders, sportsmen and innovators. On the other hand, it is a country where a large proportion of its population lives under the poverty line.

Ukraine’s capital is facing an explosive TB epidemic (post with simple image)

Kiev may be facing an unprecedented tuberculosis crisis. This is according to Larissa Kanarovskaya, the Head of the Kiev City Union of health workers. On December 1, 2014, at a press conference (a video in Russian can be seen here), she announced that on the average, 100 people die every day in Ukraine’s capital, of which one case is from active tuberculosis. The situation, Mrs Kanarovskaya continued, is complicated by an acute shortage of doctors and nurses of TB profile, as well as a critical situation in Ukraine’s health care in general. The growing workload on health workers is accompanied by more and more TB cases being detected among physicians.

India: Tuberculosis rate going down, but not fast enough to meet WHO target (post with simple image)

India is unlikely to reach the WHO target of elimination of tuberculosis (TB) by 2050 going by the rate at which incidence of the disease is declining in the country.

Inside India: The deadly effects of red tape (post with simple image)

Red tape and over-regulation can kill.

India: TB catch-all strategy rings alarm (post with simple image)

New Delhi, Feb. 1: Doctors in India have detected what they say is a disturbing rise in the proportion of patients with tuberculosis resistant to second-line drugs that are used only when key first-line medicines have failed.

South Africa: Pledge to turn tide in the war on TB (post with simple image)

Every prisoner in the country will be screened for tuberculosis from next month. If inmates test positive, their families will be tracked and also tested for the disease.

Report: Global State of Harm Reduction 2014 (post with simple image)

The report includes the latest estimates around the response to drug-related HIV, viral hepatitis and tuberculosis.

Case study of Xpert MTB/Rif implementation in Brazil (post with simple image)

This case study documents the experience of a pilot study to implement Xpert®MTB/Rif to replace sputum smear microscopy to diagnose pulmonary tuberculosis in Brazil's Unified Health System in two municipalities.

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