Items tagged with TB programs

India fights a tougher TB (post with simple image)

TB remains the deadliest infectious disease in the country with two deaths every three minutes.

South Africa battles drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)

South Africa is battling to reduce its cases of multidrug-resistant TB with the success rate for those on treatment at about 40 percent.

For patients waiting for XDR-TB treatment in Romania, someday never comes (post with simple image)

For Romanians with XDR-TB, except for the lucky few who get on a bus or a plane and become medical refugees, throwing themselves at the mercy of other European countries, someday never comes.

Outdated approaches fuelling TB in Russia, say NGOs (post with simple image)

TB is a major health threat in Russia, where it is the leading infectious disease killer. The country has the highest rates of MDR-TB and XDR-TB in Europe and the third highest in the world. It also has the 11th highest burden of all TB in the world.

New WHO publication: Understanding and using tuberculosis data (post with simple image)

The handbook shows how to use various data sources, presents existing tools to analyse the quality of data and describes methods to estimate the burden of TB and related trends.

TBEC participates in the WHO National TB Programme Review for Armenia (post with simple image)

Recently, Oxana Rucsineanu, a member of the TB Europe Coalition Steering Committee, was invited to take part in the WHO Review of the National TB Programme for TB Control in Armenia. Oxana’s invite follows calls from civil society organisations towards the WHO to include a civil society or key affected voice in these NTP reviews. With her extensive experience both of TB itself and of the need to include the civil society voice in TB programmes, Oxana was well placed to take part in this visit to Armenia. Here Oxana shares some of her findings and recommendations from the visit.

Child TB training toolkit launched by WHO and The Union (post with simple image)

The training focuses on building the capacity of health care workers at the primary and secondary level to address and manage TB in children.

Report launch: Falling short (post with simple image)

A civil society perspective of the response to multi & extensively drug resistant tuberculosis (M/XDR-TB) in the European region

Stop TB Partnership publication: Improving tuberculosis case detection (post with simple image)

A compendium of TB REACH case studies, lessons learned and a monitoring and evaluation framework.

India: The hidden costs of free care (post with simple image)

An oft-repeated fact about healthcare services provided by the public sector in India is that they are “free”. This leads to the belief that free diagnosis and treatment eventually mean little or no spending on health by the poor and, consequently, this drastically reduces health-related expenses for them.

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