Items tagged with TB care

India: Centre’s TB notification fails to yield desired result (post)

It was in May 2012 that the Government of India had made it mandatory for private practitioners in the country to notify the local health authorities about cases of tuberculosis. The TB notification was issued to improve adherence and completion of the treatment and also to fight the steadily rising cases of drug-resistant TB.

Tuberculosis outbreak in Papua New Guinea worsens, as health workers plead for promised funding (post)

Health experts are worried a new superbug may be festering on Australia's doorstep, as a drug-resistant tuberculosis outbreak in the northern Torres Strait continues to worsen.

Better healthcare could reduce crippling personal costs of tuberculosis care in China (post)

Improved universal healthcare is urgently needed to lower catastrophic health expenditure (CHE) for low-income tuberculosis (TB) patients in China, according to a study published in the open access journal Infectious Diseases of Poverty. Expanding universal healthcare could reduce the numbers of people affected by CHE.

India: Nutrition deficiency hobbles fight against TB (post)

There are evidences which show that a TB patient has better cure rate with a better diet; malnourished TB patients show slow recovery and have higher mortality rates as compared to well-nourished patients

When my brother got TB, doctors said there was no hope. How could that be? (post)

Two years ago a hospital administrator confirmed that my brother Gary had tuberculosis. Then she told us the bad news.

India: Spluttering against TB (post)

In a small, airless room in Dharavi, Owais sat chatting with his wife and two children. Outside, the famous rains of Mumbai beat down relentlessly on the thousands of tiny rooms that dot Dharavi.

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