Items tagged with TB care

Physicians advised to treat tuberculosis as a disease of poverty (post)

(02.12.2015) Tuberculosis should be treated as a disease of poverty and inequality, the World Medical Association said today.

Romania’s poor relegated to antiquated tuberculosis care (post)

CAPE TOWN, South Africa – When Jonathan Stillo asked the medical director of a mountaintop sanatorium in Romania what she would like to change about the sanatorium, she said she would like to blow the place up and build a small, modern clinic in town where the patients are – a model that’s more in-line with current tuberculosis control practices which encourage treating patients in their communities.

Union World Conference on Lung Health: Communities central to ending HIV and TB (post)

CAPE TOWN, South Africa – It wasn’t necessarily the health system in Zimbabwe that saved Constance Manwa when she was diagnosed with multidrug-resistant tuberculosis two years after being diagnosed with HIV. While an integrated care system had detected her HIV when she went in for prenatal care, the same system failed to quickly diagnose her MDR-TB, only correctly diagnosing her condition five months after she showed symptoms. At that point, Manwa was emaciated, relying on a walking stick and leaning on her mother to walk.

‘India’s fight against TB lacks punch’ (post)

“TB is the leading infectious killer, yet countries still follow old and dangerous [TB diagnostic and treatment] polices,” MSF Access Campaign tweeted. In another tweet, MSF International said: “Outdated tuberculosis policies are risking further spread of drug-resistant TB.”

Union World Conference on Lung Health: How to treat TB during war and conflict (post)

CAPE TOWN, South Africa – Imagine you’re one of the 1.5 billion people who live in one of the 42 countries currently affected by war and conflict. One day you must flee with your family and leave everything you’ve known behind in a desperate attempt to save your life. Now you’re one of the 60 million globally who have been displaced from their homes.

Community care workers boost TB case finding among hard-to-reach adults (post)

Community care worker active case finding is an effective tool for increasing TB case detection, according to two studies presented at the 46th Union World Conference on Lung Health held in Cape Town from 2 to 6 December. Finding and diagnosing TB is the essential first step to closing the global gap in diagnosing TB.

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