Items tagged with TB care

COVID-19 casts a shadow over progress on TB (post)

Efforts to contain the COVID-19 pandemic have inadvertently affected tuberculosis (TB) programmes and other aspects of non-COVID healthcare, according to two recent commentaries, published in Annals of Clinical Microbiology and Antimicrobials and Tropical Medicine and Health. The linkages between COVID-19, TB and HIV are most pronounced in sub-Saharan Africa, where TB is the leading cause of death for people with HIV. Nonetheless, the impact has also been felt in the high income setting of the United Kingdom (UK).

India's HIV and TB patients suffer consequences of coronavirus pandemic (post)

For those already battling infectious diseases in India, their suffering is compounded with the devastating impacts of the coronavirus pandemic. Tanika Godbole reports from New Delhi.

Data shows TB incidence in post-renal transplant population (post)

The incidence of active tuberculosis (TB) in patients following kidney transplants is significantly higher than the general population. While researchers in the past have described this as presenting in the first year following solid organ transplantation and is predominantly caused by disease reactivation.

India: Flaws in nutritional scheme for TB patients show challenges in feeding the hungry in COVID-19 times (post)

In this new coronavirus-affected world, hunger may be India’s next health crisis.

South Africa: Some TB patients still required to take pills in front of witnesses (post)

Completing the six months of treatment for standard drug-susceptible tuberculosis (DS-TB) can be hard. Apart from side effects associated with the medicines, people may feel better after a month or two and be tempted to stop taking the treatment. Maintaining treatment adherence is even harder for drug-resistant TB (DR-TB) since the medicines have more serious side effects and treatment can last as long as two years.

Latent tuberculosis therapy may be safe in maintenance dialysis (post)

Latent tuberculosis infection therapy in maintenance dialysis may be safe if combined with close follow-up and monitoring, according to results from a recently published study.

Active tuberculosis linked to higher long-term risk of death (post)

In a retrospective Kaiser Permanente study, people who recovered from active tuberculosis had a higher long-term risk of death from any cause than similar patients who never had active tuberculosis.

WHO webinar: Tackling the dual burden of TB and mental health (post)

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, the World Health Organization (WHO) will host a webinar on 8 October 2020 to place a special spotlight on the linkages between TB and mental health disorders.

A higher standard of TB care webinar materials now available online (post)

On September 2nd and 3rd, Treatment Action Group (TAG) held a webinar series, “Demanding a Higher Standard of TB Care: New Tools, New Challenges, New Approaches to Improving TB Diagnosis and Treatment,” officially launching the two latest additions to TAG’s series of materials designed for community leaders, An Activist’s Guide to Treatment for Drug-Resistant Tuberculosis and An Activist’s Guide to Tuberculosis Diagnostic Tools.

Tuberculosis patients need better mental health support, especially in the time of COVID-19 (post)

As the world grapples with the covid-19 pandemic, the anxiety, fear, and restrictions it poses have once again brought mental health to the forefront. As health systems struggle to cope with the fallout of this infectious disease, there is no better time to remember the mental health needs of those suffering from an older and larger pandemic—tuberculosis (TB).

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