Items tagged with TB care

Target for good health-related quality of life post-treatment is needed for TB, says Union article (post)

The global health community must include a target to ensure that 90 percent of all people successfully completing treatment for TB can have a good health-related quality of life, says a Union article in the December issue of the International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IJTLD).

Nepal: TB patients continue to face medication barrier (post)

TB patients continue to experience barriers in access, diagnosis and completion of treatment.

Romania: TB patients to avoid unnecessary hospitalization (post)

Romania’s Ministry of Health has launched a pilot project to conduct the treatment of tuberculosis (TB) patients in outpatient settings, thereby avoiding unnecessary hospitalization. Launched on 9 January 2020, the project represents an important step in establishing people-centred care in the country.

Webinar: Quality of TB care (post)

In a webinar on 5 February 2020 Dr Madhukar Pai will present data on quality of TB care and approaches to address gaps in quality, in both private and public sector.

Research identifies how new cancer treatments can activate tuberculosis infection (post)

Researchers at the University of Southampton have identified how new checkpoint inhibitor treatments for cancer can activate tuberculosis in some patients.

India shows that developing a coronavirus treatment isn’t enough (post)

MUMBAI—Debshree Lokhande recalls trying everything to get rid of her cough, including syrups, lozenges, tablets, and Ayurvedic remedies. She had just moved to a new city and started her first job, fresh out of university. But within days, she said she was vomiting up “bowlfuls” of blood, her weight was falling sharply, and she was experiencing night sweats. A chest X-ray soon revealed that she had contracted tuberculosis. In normal circumstances, TB is a treatable disease—you just need the right doctor to administer the right combination of drugs. Back then, in 2011, Lokhande would have neither.

India’s focus on coronavirus leaves TB and HIV patients adrift (post)

The lockdown imposed to contain Covid-19 has made it difficult for people with other diseases to access the medicines they need to survive.

Coronavirus lockdown complicates Philippines's fight against TB (post)

Campaign to end TB in the country sidelined as healthcare workers fight to contain spread of pandemic.

TB activist on strict anti-coronavirus measures: “It's annoying! Every year, we have one million, one and a half million dying. Don't you care at all?” (post)

The deadliest infectious disease in the world is still TB. Former patient and activist Ksenia Shchenina from Russia tells the documentary channel RT Doc the harrowing story of her experience with the illness, and why it's not the germ, but the terrain it finds, that is the real problem.

Indonesians prefer costly private clinics for TB care (post)

A preference by Indonesians to seek initial care for tuberculosis (TB) at private clinics rather than public facilities is resulting in diagnostic delays and escalated costs, says a new study

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