Items tagged with TB care

Digital patient tracking aims to tackle TB crisis in Southern Africa (post)

GUADALAJARA, Mexico, 27 October 2017 — Every year, 500,000 men travel across southern Africa to work in South Africa’s mines. In doing so, they find themselves triply vulnerable to contracting tuberculosis.

India: Health ministry proposal on cash aid for TB patients faces hurdles within government (post)

A health ministry proposal for a monthly cash benefit of Rs500 to all tuberculosis patients is facing resistance, with the objections ranging from benefit duplication for TB patients to amount of aid.

Russian Federation: TB treatments yield promising results in the Chechen Republic (post)

The first new drugs to be developed in 50 years were the last chance for some people with extensively drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB) in the Chechen Republic of the Russian Federation. In 2015, MSF’s Maria Borshova spoke to patients who had just started their new two-year-long treatments. She recently met them again.

Smartphones can help homeless and addicted patients complete TB treatment (post)

Monitoring patients taking anti-tuberculosis drugs using a smartphone video could improve treatment and cut NHS costs by two-thirds, according to new research.

Latest Cochrane review looks at the effectiveness of strategies to improve people’s access to treatment for TB (post)

In a new Cochrane Review, researchers from Tanzania working with colleagues in LSTM have evaluated the effectiveness of strategies to improve people’s access to treatment for tuberculosis (TB).

Guide to delivering high quality care for TB patients launched (post)

12 December 2017 - Today on Universal Health Coverage Day, The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) and the International Council of Nurses (ICN) have launched updated guidance for health care workers who are involved in detecting and caring for patients with tuberculosis (TB).

In photos: What it’s like to be a TB survivor in India (post)

While India is home to the highest burden of TB cases, awareness remains poor and stigma widespread. In extreme cases, it also leads to discrimination at workplaces and schools, social isolation and neglect. How do you address a disease when you cannot talk about it or admit that you have it?

Health system gaps fail Kenya TB patients (post)

Based on results of the 2016 Kenya Tuberculosis Prevalence Survey, close to 140,000 people fall sick each year with TB.

WHO releases new handbook on digital technologies to support TB treatment adherence (post)

24 January 2018, Geneva Advances in mobile technologies, network coverage and internet access have transformed the way we interact with each other. These developments create novel possibilities to improve patient care, and reduce patient and health system costs. They have the potential to advance the notion of patient-centred care, bringing it within reach of many low resource settings.

The health app that beat Hurricane Harvey (post)

Making sure tuberculosis patients take their medicine is time consuming and expensive. But in Houston, video conferencing helped officials monitor patients even during massive flooding.

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