Items tagged with TB care

The link between TB, migration, human rights and ethics (post)

Oliver is a 27 year old male who decides to migrate to Europe after experiencing violence, conflict and uncertainty in his home country in sub-Saharan African. It takes him two months to travel to a North African country where he lives in a warehouse with 25 other migrants seeking to earn enough money to pay smugglers to get them across the Mediterranean to southern Europe. There, on top of experiencing food insecurity and poor sanitation, Oliver develops a persistent cough and loses weight, which he attributes to his arduous journey and difficulties since then. He finally saves enough money to make the treacherous trip across the Mediterranean.

Gender disparity in TB care in India (post)

On Bed Number 348 of the Group of TB (GTB) Hospital in Sewri in central Mumbai, by the third week of August, a malnourished Sneha Gond, 22, could not move without help. Previously, she had been ready for discharge after three months in hospital, but there was nobody to take her home. Though she has an uncle, a younger brother and a sister in Chembur, for four years now, her home had been Niramay Niketan in Trombay, a shelter home for HIV-positive and tuberculosis patients.

Lupus patients have higher risk of contracting TB: Study (post)

People with lupus - a disease in which the immune system attacks normal, healthy tissue - have a higher risk of contracting tuberculosis (TB), a local study has found.

Injection drug users fall through the gaps in India’s TB treatment program (post)

Fifty-year-old James is all skin and bones and can barely speak coherently. He has been an injecting drug user, or IDU, for more than 30 years. In July this year, he was diagnosed with tuberculosis – a diagnosis that was made during an exercise conducted by Delhi health authorities to find tuberculosis among injecting drugs users.

MAP-IT tool helps make decisions on childhood TB interventions investments (post)

Childhood TB is a major issue, infecting up to one million children each year. The good news is that there are several effective diagnostic, treatment, and prevention strategies that can have a major impact on decreasing the burden of childhood TB and mortality. These include interventions like contact tracing, fixed-dose medication, and rapid testing. We must consider however, that not every strategy is going to be equally effective in every context. What works well in Kenya may not be as effective in India and vice-versa. With limited resources at our disposal, how do we decide which intervention approach to invest our efforts in? How do we make sure that the options we select will have the best evidence-based impact on child TB morbidity and mortality in the country we’re working in?

SureAdhere launches medication adherence monitoring solution to fight TB in the United Kingdom (post)

Guadalajara, Mexico, October 10, 2017 - SureAdhere Mobile Technology, Inc.™ this week announced the launch of its video-based directly observed therapy (VOT) in the United Kingdom. The mHealth platform supports the National Health Service (NHS) Find & Treat TB-control program with outreach that tackles TB among Britain’s most vulnerable populations. The U.K. has the highest rate of TB in Western Europe. More than 2500 people living in London are diagnosed with TB each year. SureAdhere announced the expansion into Britain at the 48th Union World Conference on Lung Health in Guadalajara, Mexico.

Accuracy of negative tuberculin skin test in predicting in-hospital TB mortality (post)

SAN DIEGO, October 06, 2017 — Malnutrition, increasing age, and negative tuberculin skin test (TST) results are factors that may weaken the immune system and subsequently increase in-hospital mortality in hospitalized people with tuberculosis (TB), according to results from a retrospective study presented at IDWeek 2017.

Metformin reduces mortality during TB therapy (post)

According to a recent study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases, the presence of diabetes mellitus (DM) increases risk for mortality during tuberculosis treatment, but metformin use may counteract that risk.

'Mystery clients' reveal weaknesses of TB care in rural China (post)

Many health care providers in China--especially those at village clinics and township health centers--fail to correctly manage tuberculosis (TB) cases, according to a study involving standardized patients published this week in PLOS Medicine by Sean Sylvia of the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA, Chengchao Zhou of Shangdong University, China, and colleagues at the World Bank, McGill University, Stanford University and other institutions in China.

Philippines uses PViMS app to roll out groundbreaking TB drug (post)

The Philippines has one of the highest TB burdens in the world—and 2.6% of its more than 286,000 new cases in 2015 were of multi-drug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). This threatens the progress the country has made in addressing the deadly disease over the past few decades and its goal to make the country TB-free by 2030. Further, MDR-TB cases will likely rise steadily in the Philippines and the world over the next two decades.

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