Items tagged with TB care

Maharashtra govt’s TB program: In need of immediate modification for children (post)

Seven-month-old Mohamed Afaan’s declining weight and constant throwing up kept baffling his father Gufran Malik. The baby, a patient of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB), was under the government-funded treatment regime of seven drugs daily crushed into four parts, but was barely responding to the treatment. In June, when his weight dropped to 3.5 kg, field counsellors rushed him to a private doctor. What the counsellors realised was that Afaan was being administered medicines under the government’s free Revised National Tuberculosis Control Program (RNTCP) that his body could not handle.

South Africa: Younger TB patients facing more risks (post)

Young tuberculosis patients – including those co-infected with HIV, recently hospitalised and those with lower CD4 counts – are likely to default on TB treatment or miss their appointments, resulting in poor health outcome, a new study has suggested.

Tackling TB in India: Poor counselling, huge dropout rate hamper treatment (post)

Raju Ramchandra (20) represents everything that is wrong with the government-run Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme (RNTCP). An orphan, his tuberculosis deteriorated to multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) though he was healthy until 2015-end. Now with a shrunken form, the whites of his eyes enlarged and voice feeble, he says he could not register for RNTCP in Virar because he had no necessary identification proof.

What India needs to do to win the fight against TB (post)

The way forward is to invest in TB control, take public health benefits – free drugs and testing – to the unknown number of privately-treated patients.

Corticosteroids could improve 90 day mortality in TB patients (post)

Corticosteroids could reduce 90-day mortality rates in patients with tuberculosis who are in acute respiratory failure, according to researchers in South Korea.

Kyrgyz Republic gets new tools to fight TB (post)

USAID launched a patient-centered outpatient approach to TB care in the Kyrgyz Republic’s most populous and TB-affected region.

Pathology politics: Human rights and health in North Korea (post)

In North Korea, the right to health is directly linked to politics. This is well illustrated in the rights of migrants and prisoners, where the connection between TB and multidrug-resistant TB and human rights is an underreported – and underexamined – issue.

India: New drugs, new hope (post)

Two new drugs, bedaquiline and delamanid, are proving to be the very last life-line for TB patients with the most extreme forms of drug resistance. While a few patients benefit from these new drugs in India, many die before being able to access them as they are not widely available.

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