Items tagged with TB care

Success against deadly drug-resistant TB in rural KwaZulu-Natal (post)

Tugela Ferry is a remote KwaZulu-Natal (KZN) district of 180,000 people that became infamous in 2006. Here it was discovered that 53 people had contracted a type of tuberculosis (TB) that was resistant to most anti-TB medicines. All but one of the patients died. All those tested for HIV were positive.

Chhattisgarh's policy of feeding TB patients is paying off (post)

A year after announcing a supplementary nutrition programme, TB patients are slowly gaining weight and health. This could improve treatment outcomes.

Living with drug-resistant TB in India (post)

It is searing hot in Katwa in India's West Bengal state as Nurjahan sits on the bed, gazing through the window at the dusty village road leading to her house.

India: Improving access to DOTS is crucial (post)

If there is already a long delay before TB patients in India start treatment, the Directly Observed Treatment Short-course (DOTS) strategy offered by India’s TB control programme does not make it easy for patients to access and complete the treatment. In contrast, patients who took DOTS from private practitioners faced fewer barriers and were more likely to complete the treatment. The result were published recently in the journal BMC Health Services Research.

India: Private practitioners not fully involved in fight against TB (post)

Nearly 20 years after the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme India (RNTCP) was implemented under guidelines from the World Health Organisation, there continues to be a disconnect between private practitioners and government initiatives.

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