Items tagged with Latent TB

Stop TB Partnership staff get tested for TB: A call for universal access to TB testing (post with simple image)

12 March 2015 -- Geneva, Switzerland -- In an initiative to highlight that there should be no stigma associated with tuberculosis (TB) and that anyone could be infected with TB no matter where they live, the Stop TB Partnership Secretariat staff, colleagues from UNOPS and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis & Malaria are today getting tested through an interferon gamma release assay (test) that will determine if the person is infected with latent TB.

Open letter to WHO: Recording and reporting of preventive TB therapy in children (post with simple image)

Members of the global childhood TB community respond to the World Health Organization requesting additions to the End TB Strategy list of priority indicators related to the monitoring and evaluation of treatment for latent TB infection in children.

Intensifying action against latent tuberculosis infection (post with simple image)

If 8% of persons with latent tuberculosis could be permanently protected each year, the global TB incidence in 2050 would be 14 times lower as the incidence in 2013, with no other intervention needed.

Tuberculosis in adults and children (post with simple image)

A monograph written for healthcare workers in any setting who are faced with the complex care for patients with tuberculosis.

Latent TB Infection: Updated and consolidated guidelines for programmatic management (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization issues new recommendations calling for accelerated uptake of testing and treatment for TB prevention.

WHO announces forthcoming changes for the programmatic management of TB preventive treatment (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization issues a Rapid Communication announcing a number of updates to its latest guidance on TB preventive treatment.

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