Items tagged with Latent TB

ICIs linked to higher risk of TB reactivation, infection in cancer patients (post)

Immune checkpoint inhibitor (ICI) treatment may increase the risk of tuberculosis reactivation or latent tuberculosis infection in patients with cancer, according to research published in The Oncologist.

Upending the dogma of TB latency: Will it offer new clues for vaccine research? (post)

There are many reasons why HIV is such a perplexing virus to combat. One of them is that there are incredibly few people — only a few, if that, of the nearly 86 million people to acquire HIV to date — who have naturally cleared the virus after becoming infected. Once an HIV infection occurs, it almost always persists in the body for a lifetime.

Influenza-like reactions to latent TB treatment not mediated by drug antibodies (post)

In patients with latent tuberculosis, influenza-like reactions following treatment with isoniazid plus rifapentine or isoniazid alone were not associated with the presence of antibodies against isoniazid, rifapentine, and rifapentine metabolite.

Latent Tuberculosis Infection: A Guide for Primary Health Care Providers (document)

This guide is intended for primary care providers who care for patients who may be at risk for latent TB infection (LTBI) to progress to TB disease. Recommendations include: Treatment Regimens, Special Considerations in the Treatment of LTBI, Adverse Effects of Drugs Used to Treat LTBI, Patient Monitoring and Education During Treatment, Assessing Adherence, Techniques to Improve Adherence, and Post-Treatment Follow-Up. Most recent recommendations also include the use of interferon-gamma release assays (IGRAs).

Guidelines for Targeted Tuberculosis Testing and Treatment of Latent Tuberculosis Infection (document)

CDC and American Thoracic Society releases new and updated recommendations for targeted tuberculin testing and treatment regimens for persons with latent tuberculosis infection (LTBI).

Prevention and Control of Tuberculosis in Correctional and Detention Facilities: Recommendations from CDC (document)

This document lays out general guidelines for effective prevention and control of TB in jails, prisons, and other correctional and detention facilities. Strategies for TB-prevention and -control in correctional facilities highlight the importance of early identification of TB through patient entry and periodic follow-up screening; successful treatment of TB disease and latent TB infection; appropriate use of airborne precautions (e.g., airborne infection isolation, environmental controls, and respiratory protection); comprehensive discharge planning; and thorough and efficient contact investigation.

Point-of-care diagnostics for tuberculosis elimination? (post with simple image)

The projected epidemiological effect of Xpert MTB/RIF might be overestimated, so this fascinating and promising new tool is unlikely to be the magic bullet that paves the way towards tuberculosis elimination.

CROI 2014: New drugs, novel combos top tuberculosis news at conference (post with simple image)

With increased TB activism and research into new treatments, preventive therapies, and diagnostics, the space devoted to TB at CROI has increased substantially.

WHO guidelines on the management of latent tuberculosis infection launched at the 45th Conference on Lung Health (post with simple image)

For the first time, the World Health Organization has issued guidelines on testing, treating and managing latent TB infection in individuals with high risk of developing disease.

Latent TB: Shorter course of therapy effective in children (post with simple image)

In children with latent tuberculosis, 3 months of combined therapy with isoniazid and rifapentine is safe and as effective as 9 months of isoniazid alone.

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