Items tagged with HIV coinfection

Dolutegravir-based ART in combination with rifampicin-based TB treatment is safe in a small cohort of co-infected patients (post)

Twice daily dolutegravir in combination with rifampicin was well tolerated and produced good outcomes in a small retrospective study presented at HIV Drug Therapy Glasgow 2016. [1]  

Bill Gates: Let’s make TB history (post)

I visited South Africa earlier this year to learn more about the progress the country is making in the fight against HIV. I toured health clinics, met with doctors and researchers, and listened to the stories of people living with HIV. Again and again, our conversations turned to an often forgotten disease which is HIV’s lethal partner: tuberculosis.

World AIDS Day message: Preventing TB deaths among people living with HIV (post)

As countries and partners come together to commemorate World AIDS Day this year and call for intensified HIV prevention, preventing TB deaths among people living with HIV should remain firmly on the radar.

India: HIV/TB coinfected people can get FDC drugs on daily basis in government hospitals (post)

HIV and TB affected persons can collect Fixed-Dose Combination (FDC) drugs to treat TB from government hospitals on a daily basis from Thursday (January 26).

Study confirms key therapeutic advance for children living with HIV and TB (post)

[Seattle, USA, February 14, 2017] The non-profit research and development organization Drugs for Neglected Diseases initiative (DNDi) has released results of a study in South Africa that will make it easier for healthcare workers to treat children living with HIV who are co-infected with tuberculosis (TB). The study, presented as a late-breaker this week at the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI) in Seattle, provides essential evidence and data to counter the negative interactions between two critical HIV and TB treatments.

Prednisone attenuates IRIS in people with TB and HIV (post)

SEATTLE — Patients diagnosed with tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) may avoid development of sometimes fatal complications when treatment is initiated, researchers reported here.

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