Items tagged with HIV coinfection

Package of prophylaxis against infections reduces the risk of death for people starting HIV treatment very late (post)

A package of enhanced prophylaxis against infections significantly reduced the risk of death in adults and children with advanced HIV disease after starting antiretroviral treatment in a randomised study, Professor James Hakim of the University of Zimbabwe told the 21st International AIDS Conference in Durban, South Africa, last month.

HIV not a super-spreader of drug-resistant TB (post)

While the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pandemic fuels tuberculosis (TB) outbreaks, it does not drive the development and transmission of multidrug-resistance in TB patients as previously suspected, according to a study published in eLife.

The end of AIDS? The deadly duo no one is talking about (post)

Last month, Durban hosted the 21st International AIDS Society Conference.Through the noise and excitement of the activists chants, dancers, African music and drumming, there was a solemn undertone – we are nowhere near seeing the end of AIDS.

Tackling the deadly duo of TB and HIV/AIDS in South Africa (post)

South Africa ranks third of the 22 countries with a high incidence of TB. Patients with HIV are a whopping 26 times more likely to contract TB, yet there are significant challenges in diagnosing the disease in people with HIV. Funding, also, is a significant challenge. But there are signs that the tide is starting to turn. Late in July, the launch of a R1.2-billion Africa Health Research Institute in KwaZulu-Natal was announced, potentially making research data from the largest population study in the country available to tackle these two dreaded diseases. MARELISE VAN DER MERWE found out more.

More effective medication for HIV and MDR-TB (post)

Patients with both HIV and multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) can now receive better-balanced medication. This may shorten the treatment duration for MDR-TB and reduce the many side effects associated with current treatments, such as hearing loss and nausea. It will hopefully also help reduce the development of antibiotic resistance. These are the findings of new research from Uppsala University.

Researchers find other layers of immunity in TB/HIV co-infections (post)

Tulane University researchers found some monkeys whose immune systems are depleted by the simian strain of HIV have a second line of defense against tuberculosis. The discovery could have significant impacts on future vaccines for TB. The research led by study author Deepak Kaushal, Professor of Microbiology and Immunology at the Tulane National Primate Research Center has been published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Global burden of disease report shows gains made from HIV response, work that remains to respond to infectious disease (post)

Global life expectancy has increased by 10.2 years since 1980, with the most marked increases occurring over the past decade in Sub-Saharan Africa, where the expansion of antiretroviral therapy and prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV activities have expanded life expectancy by more than ten years in countries with the highest HIV burdens.

New discovery helps explain why HIV infection increases risk for active TB (post)

The HIV virus increases the potency of the tuberculosis bacterium (Mtb) by affecting a central function of the immune system. This is the conclusion of a study carried out by researchers at Linköping University in Sweden. The discovery helps to explain why infection with HIV greatly increases the risk that infection by Mtb will progress to active tuberculosis.

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