Items tagged with HIV coinfection

UNAIDS calls for stronger partnerships to end the epidemics of tuberculosis and HIV (post)

GENEVA, 24 March 2016—On World Tuberculosis (TB) Day, UNAIDS is calling for stronger partnerships and a united approach to end the twin epidemics of TB and HIV and save millions of lives. It has never been more urgent for governments, the medical and scientific communities, the private sector and people affected by the diseases to come together to ensure access to existing treatment regimens and to push for new diagnostic tools and treatments to reach all people in need.

Nigeria ranks 2nd & 3rd in AIDS & tuberculosis worldwide (post)

With 574,600 cases or 338 per 100,000 of the 170 million population, Nigeria has the third highest TB burden in the world. Worse even, 22% of the TB patients also carry the HIV virus that causes AIDS.

Government updates HIV policy to allow ARV treatment for all South Africans (post)

Currently‚ patients have to have a CD4 count of 500 to qualify for antiretrorvirals. But the World Health Organisation recommends that as soon as a person tests HIV positive they should start treatment. This is even if they feel healthy.

Lateral flow urine lipoarabinomannan assay for detecting active tuberculosis in HIV-positive adults (post)

An international review team has prepared a Cochrane systematic review to assess the accuracy of a point-of-care urine test for diagnosing and screening tuberculosis (TB) in people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

Eric Goosby: Tackle TB to reduce maternal deaths: no time for complacency (post)

When I was in South Africa last year I had the opportunity to hear the story of Juliet, a young Ugandan woman who on the day she had heard the joyous news that she was expecting twins, she also discovered that she was living with HIV. Fearing that she would be ostracized by her husband, family and friends, she did not disclose her status and did not return for medication, finding it difficult to justify repeated monthly visits to the clinic, particularly given the family’s limited resources. After five months she became very ill with tuberculosis (TB) and for the same reasons found it difficult to adhere to treatment. When the twins were born, one tragically fell sick and died at four months. When the second one became ill with TB, she finally sought the care she and her baby needed.

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