Items tagged with HIV coinfection

Progress report on promises made to improve South Africa’s health services (post)

Over the last three years South Africa’s President Jacob Zuma has made several promises to improve health care in his annual state of the nation address. This includes fighting TB, improving life expectancy and reducing maternal, infant and under five mortality. Health and Medicine Editor Candice Bailey asked a panel of academics to assess whether the promises have been kept.

Empirical TB treatment comes up short again (post)

A South African trial has found that a strategy allowing primary care nurses to quickly provide empirical tuberculosis (TB) treatment for newly diagnosed people with advanced HIV disease at very high risk of, but without confirmed, TB did not lead to a major reduction in mortality, even though it substantially increased the percentage of people starting TB treatment. Moreover, it may have delayed initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) for some participants when compared to those in a standard of care control arm, researchers say.

Vacancy: Consultant post for the TB/HIV and community engagement unit of Global TB Programme of WHO (post)

TB/HIV and community engagement unit of the World Health Organization (WHO)’s Global TB Programme coordinates the Department’s work on TB/HIV and the delivery of integrated community based TB activities through both national TB programmes and the engagement of non-governmental (NGO) and other civil society organisations (CSO) to integrate TB into their community-based work in HIV, maternal and child health, primary health care and other sectors such as education, agriculture and livelihood development programmes.

Low cost, 25 min TB-test could help reduce tuberculosis death rate among patients with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa (post)

March 9, 2016 - A low cost, easy to use, urine test to diagnose tuberculosis (TB) among patients with HIV could help reduce the TB death rate of HIV-positive patients in hospital, according to a new study published in The Lancet today.

HIV patients in Africa with a specific genetic variant have much lower rate of TB (post)

In the first known discovery of its kind, a Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine-led team has found that HIV patients in Africa with a certain genetic variant have a 63-percent lower chance of developing tuberculosis than HIV patients without the genetic variant.

Proactively treating HIV patients at risk for tuberculosis with multidrug TB therapy doesn’t save more lives (post)

March 17, 2016 - In what investigators say is a surprise finding, results of a new study appear to strongly affirm the effectiveness of prescribing the anti-tuberculosis drug isoniazid alone — in place of the standard four-drug regimen — to prevent TB and reduce death in people with advanced HIV/AIDS infections. Those with HIV and AIDS are highly susceptible to TB.

How HIV infection increases the risk of tuberculosis (post)

One in three people world-wide are thought to be infected with Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb), but most remain well because their immune system keeps the pathogen in check. HIV infection dramatically increases the risk of Mtb infection turning into active tuberculosis (TB), a life-threatening disease. Exactly how HIV infection affects the immune system's ability to suppress active TB is still poorly understood.

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