Items tagged with Global TB response

Kaiser Family Foundation releases infographic on U.S. global health funding (post)

The Kaiser Family Foundation has released “A Snapshot of U.S. Global Health Funding,” an infographic produced in partnership with the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) as part of a monthly series. “This month’s Visualizing Health Policy infographic shows global health funding’s share of the U.S. federal budget, the flattening of U.S. funds for global health during the 21st century, where U.S. dollars for global health are spent, the major areas receiving U.S. global health funding, and how the U.S. public overestimates the percentage of the federal budget that is spent on foreign aid” (4/22).

Ukraine needs to find innovative ways to increase impact: Global Fund (post)

The Global Fund expects Ukraine to do more with less.

China after the Global Fund (post)

For nearly a decade, China was one of the largest recipients of grants from the Global Fund for its fight against AIDS, TB and malaria. From 2003-2012, more than $805 million was disbursed to support 15 grants, nearly half of which (46%) contributed to prevention, diagnosis and treatment campaigns for TB across the country.

Where has all the money gone for fighting tuberculosis? (post)

Minna lies curled up on the floor, covered with vomit and excreta. She is pitifully thin, her eyes glazed and lifeless. She is unable to walk. There are no windows in the room, only the stench of death and decay.

Health experts call for integrated approach to HIV and TB in Zimbabwe (post)

Zimbabwe is facing challenges in eliminating tuberculosis (TB) say health experts, who are calling for much greater integration of HIV and TB programmes within the healthcare system.

Funding for tuberculosis programs on chopping block (post)

A new drug regimen for tuberculosis – a global epidemic that kills about 1.3 million people each year – has the potential to cut treatment times and costs dramatically.

WHO and Global Fund strengthen partnership (post)

GENEVA – The World Health Organization and the Global Fund today strengthened their long established partnership with a new technical agreement to support countries in developing more strategic investments in the fight against HIV, tuberculosis and malaria.

UNITAID's 2013 annual report: "Transforming markets, saving lives" (post)

Report shows UNITAID’s approach vital to remove market barriers so millions can have equitable access to new treatments for infectious diseases

Stop TB and the Global Fund commit to support countries and TB communities (post)

23 May 2014 - Geneva, Switzerland - The Stop TB Partnership and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria renewed their joint commitment to countries and TB communities this week through the recently signed agreement on technical assistance between WHO and the Global Fund this week.

World Health Assembly approves resolution on combatting tuberculosis (post)

The World Health Assembly on 21 May approved a resolution on global strategy and targets for tuberculosis prevention, care and control after 2015, which includes a new multi-sectoral strategic approach and bold targets to bring an end to the global epidemic by 2035.

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