Items tagged with Global TB response

Lancet Commission calls for renewed global response on TB (post with simple image)

Without action, more than 27 million lives could be lost between now and 2050.

Johnson & Johnson and Cepheid must expand access to TB drug and tests (post with simple image)

TB is curable but remains the world’s leading infectious disease killer as pharma corporations stand in the way of affordable medical tools.

People affected by TB call for increased country-level ambition and accountability ahead of UN High-Level Meeting on TB (post with simple image)

The Accountability Report of TB Civil Society and Affected Communities: Priorities to Close the Deadly Divide now available online in English, Spanish, French, Portuguese and Russian.

Nearly all countries “far off track” of meeting TB research targets despite publicly reaffirming commitments at UN (post with simple image)

A sobering new analysis from Treatment Action Group shows that governments failed to meet previous commitments to fund TB research.

Global Fund Results Report 2023 (post with simple image)

Results in the fight against HIV, TB and malaria exceed pre-COVID-19 numbers; yet colliding crises keep the world way off track to achieve 2030 targets.

World leaders commit to new targets to end TB (post with simple image)

World leaders at the UN High-Level Meeting on TB have approved a Political Declaration with ambitious new targets for the next five years to advance the global efforts towards ending the TB epidemic.

UN General Assembly formally adopts Resolution on Political Declaration on TB (post with simple image)

The United Nations General Assembly has formally adopted by consensus the Political Declaration of the High-Level Meeting on the Fight against Tuberculosis.

Eradicating TB: time to make this age-old dream a reality (post with simple image)

A call to action ahead of the Union Conference urges France to confirm the commitments made in the UN Political Declaration on TB and to translate it into concrete measures.

Global TB report 2023: TB response recovering from pandemic but accelerated efforts needed to meet new targets (post with simple image)

Despite significant recovery in 2022, progress is insufficient to meet global TB targets set in 2018 with disruptions caused by the pandemic and ongoing conflicts being major contributing factors.

Activism delivers unprecedented victories in TB testing and treatment access (post with simple image)

Historic price reductions will allow millions more people to receive TB prevention, treatment and testing.

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