Items tagged with Global TB response
WHO announces plans to establish a TB Vaccine Accelerator Council (post with simple image)
The Council will facilitate the licensing and use of effective novel TB vaccines catalysing high-level alignment between funders, global agencies, governments and end users in identifying and overcoming barriers to TB vaccine development.
World TB Day 2023 theme announced (post with simple image)
Yes! We Can End TB.
The theme brings attention to TB and that it is in our collective power to end TB by 2030 and therefore reach the Sustainable Development Goals.
World TB Day 2023 campaign toolkit (post with simple image)
The Stop TB Partnership releases the toolkit for the World TB Day campaign Yes! We Can End TB.
2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB dates agreed and confirmed by Member States (post with simple image)
The UN General Assembly formally adopts the Modalities Resolution for the upcoming UN High-Level Meeting on TB, which sets out the dates, agenda, logistics, and other critical details for the meeting.
Multi-stakeholder hearing on TB (post with simple image)
The Multi-stakeholder hearing on TB will be held on 8-9 May 2023, providing an opportunity for all relevant stakeholders to contribute to the ongoing preparatory process for the upcoming UN High-Level Meeting on TB.
WHO: World TB Day 2023 campaign (post with simple image)
The World Health Organization releases an advocacy and communications package to support awareness building and drive action across all levels, in the lead up to and on World TB Day.
Online survey for the HLM on TB Key Asks (post with simple image)
Have your voice heard - share your views and opinions on draft TB Key Asks to be included in the HLM Political Declaration; Deadline: 21 March 2023.
2023 TB HLM Affected Communities and Civil Society Coordination Hub: Deep dive calls - Register for the upcoming calls March-September 2023 (post with simple image)
The Coordination Hub will be hosting bi-weekly deep dive calls during the period 30 March - 28 September 2023, providing regular updates on all things related to the upcoming Multi-stakeholder hearing on TB and TB HLM. You only need to register once to attend all upcoming calls!
2023 TB HLM Affected Communities and Civil Society Coordination Hub: World TB Day Advocacy Toolkit (post with simple image)
The Coordination Hub launches the World TB Day Advocacy Toolkit to support the kick-start of advocacy at the national level in the lead up to the 2023 UN High-Level Meeting on TB.
WHO: World TB Day Advocacy & Communications Toolkit (post with simple image)
The World Health Organization launches the World TB Day Advocacy & Communications Toolkit, featuring key messages and calls to action, as well as promotional posters, tiles and infographics.
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