Items tagged with Global TB response

Declaration of the Rights of People Affected by TB now available in Arabic (post with simple image)

The Declaration was launched in May 2019 by TBpeople in partnership with the Stop TB Partnership.

TAG policy brief: TB Research Investments Provide Returns in Combating Both TB and COVID-19 (post with simple image)

Sustained and expanded financing is needed to safeguard TB research against COVID-19–related disruptions and improve global epidemic preparedness.

WHO: Global TB progress at risk (post with simple image)

Global TB Report 2020: Access to TB services remains a challenge; global targets for prevention and treatment will likely be missed without urgent action and investments.

Policy brief: COVID-19 – the new reality of Ending Tuberculosis (post with simple image)

A document, released by the TB Europe Coalition, in commemoration of the second anniversary of the signing of the UN Political Declaration on TB.

Progress towards achieving global TB targets (post with simple image)

UN Secretary-General outlines priority recommendations to accelerate the TB response and reach targets.

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New survey finds millions of people affected by TB still diagnosed and treated with outdated tools (post with simple image)

Data on 37 countries reveals widespread failure to follow latest international recommendations for policies on prevention, diagnosis, and treatment.

Paediatric HIV & TB: Rome Action Plan (post with simple image)

EGPAF, WHO, PEPFAR, UNAIDS, Stop TB Partnership and FBOs: World Children’s Day statement on advances in access to paediatric HIV and TB diagnosis and treatments

New TAG report: Funding for TB research in 2019 nears half of global target (post with simple image)

The report — Tuberculosis Research Funding Trends, 2005–2019 — presents new data on 2019 funding for TB research and development and analyzes trends in investment since 2005.

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