Items tagged with Global TB response

WHO/Europe: Report of high-level meeting on World TB Day 2014 published (post)

The report of the high-level meeting organized to commemorate World Tuberculosis Day 2014 is now published.

Decades-old tools no match for today's drug-resistant TB (post)

"Fight Tuberculosis with Modern Weapons," proclaimed a 1935 public health awareness campaign against what was one of the leading causes of death in the U.S. Those weapons: chest X-rays and lung surgery.

March 2014 issue of the IJTLD now free access (post)

The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (IJTLD) is the official publication of the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union).

High level international WHO consultation: Eliminating TB deaths: Time to step up the HIV response (post)

Sunday 20 July 2014 | Promenade Room 3, Crowne Promenade, 8 Whiteman St, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia

Civil society offers recommendations to Tajikistan CCM for HIV, TB concept notes (post)

Civil society groups are receiving technical assistance paid for by the Global Fund to help focus the concept note on prevention activities targeting key populations

Global Fund urged to review its policies on human rights (post)

The Global Fund should examine its position on policies and practices shown to have negative impacts on human rights, including “100% condom use” programs, the detention of TB patients, the use of drug registries, limitation of services for active drug users, forced sterilization, and use of condoms as evidence in court cases.

Global Fund investment guidance for Eastern Europe and Central Asia: Turning the tide against HIV and tuberculosis (post)

The Global Fund, in collaboration with a wide range of stakeholders, has embarked on the development of a Global Fund Investment Guidance for EECA for the 2014-2016 allocation period. The aim of this guidance is to recommend strategic priorities for contributing to sustainable impact on HIV/AIDS and TB in the region and thereby help reverse the tide of the epidemics.

WHO appeals for US$ 14 million to scale up health operations in Ukraine (post)

WHO is expanding its health response in Ukraine to support the health needs of those affected in conflict areas and internally displaced by the ongoing fighting in the Donbas region (Donetsk and Luhansk) of eastern Ukraine. On World Humanitarian Day, WHO calls on the international community to pledge US$ 14 million to safeguard the health of an increasingly vulnerable population.

Ukraine: health workers fear for their safety (post)

Armed separatists in Ukraine are disrupting health-care services and threatening health professionals, forcing some medical staff to leave their jobs. Ed Holt reports.

USAID's report on Public-Private Mix Models for the Sustainability of Successful TB Control Initiatives now available online (post)

01 September 2014 - USAID and World Bank co-hosted a meeting on "Public-Private Mix (PPM) Models for the Sustainability of Successful TB Control Initiatives" from 27-29 May in Washington DC.

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