Items tagged with Drug-resistant TB

Nigeria: Global Fund tasks FG over increasing cases of untreated MDR-TB (post)

The Global Fund, a key partner in the National Tuberculosis and Leprosy Control Programme, NTBLCP, has raised alarm over the increasing cases of untreated multidrug-resistant tuberculosis, MDR-TB, in Nigeria.

India: Pilot project initiated to detect TB in children (post)

CHENNAI: For most tubercolosis patients and their families, their health is often put to test by their countless visits to hospitals and scan centres. In the end, many may be diagnosed early as having the dreaded bacteria, but several others with the infection — most of them children.

Pakistan: The prevalence of tuberculosis is on the rise (post)


The prevalence of tuberculosis (TB) is on the rise and Pakistan now ranks fourth in terms of the highest number of cases in the world, moving up four places from its previous position.

TB Alliance grants Fosun Pharma rights to develop, market promising TB cure in China (post)

TB Alliance, an international non-profit drug development organization that develops better, faster-acting, and affordable tuberculosis (TB) drugs, has announced that it is collaborating with, and has granted an exclusive license to, the Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical Development Co., Ltd., and its subsidiary Shenyang Hongqi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (Fosun Pharma), to develop and commercialize the first-ever regimen designed to treat both drug-sensitive TB (DS-TB) and multi-drug resistant TB (MDR-TB) for use within People’s Republic of China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Macau (Licensed Territory).

Childhood TB: symptom-based contact screening safe, reliable (post)

From total neglect till a few years ago, childhood TB is now taking centrestage. A couple of days back, the WHO released an updated guidance for national TB programmes (NTPs) on the management of tuberculosis in children.

Is tuberculosis elimination a reality? (post)

Multidrug-resistant (MDR) tuberculosis is a public health emergency and a challenging scenario for both patients and clinicians. (1, 2). In 2012, there were more than 450 000 incident cases and 170 000 deaths worldwide (3).

Tuberculosis is back, and it’s not playing around (post)

Think tuberculosis is a disease of the past, for wilting ladies on fainting couches with delicate handkerchiefs? Think again: tuberculosis is back, and it’s ugly. The spread of drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis across the Global South and into the West is a rising health concern in an era where some diseases are mutating too quickly for medical science to address them, which is bad news for patients. If you watched Frontline’s “TB Silent Killer,” you got a glimpse into this fatal and pernicious disease, but how much do you know about this pernicious disease?

Marina’s story – fighting drug-resistant TB in 3 different countries (post)

Marina is a Romanian citizen who was studying law at the University of Manchester in the UK when she was diagnosed with multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB). Marina was studying abroad in Lyon, France in summer 2012 when she developed a cough that would not go away. Her symptoms led her down a long road of doctors and tests as various French doctors struggled to identify a disease many believe no longer exists in Europe. One doctor even diagnosed Marina with hay fever and gave her medicines to ease hay fever symptoms.

PaMZ drug combination: a game changer for TB and MDR-TB treatment (post)

A novel drug combination (PaMZ) designed to treat both drug-sensitive and MDR-TB, including those who are HIV positive, is advancing to the crucial Phase III human clinical trial. If all goes well, the three-drug combination therapy will be a game changer for tuberculosis treatment. Among other things, the less toxic regimen cuts down the duration of MDR-TB treatment from 18-24 months to six months, and reduces the number of pills by 97 per cent. MDR-TB treatment is likely to be 90 per cent cheaper.

TB drug approvals, distribution deal inches options forward, but MDR-TB treatment access still uncertain where needed most (post)

Last week’s developments in TB treatment included the announcement that bedaquiline, the currently most promising medicine for multi-drug-resistant tuberculosis, will become available to patients in 130 low- and middle-income countries through the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility. That good news for multidrug-resistant TB patients, many of whom have run out of other options, was thanks to an agreement signed by drug maker Janssen and GDF procurement agent Strichting International Dispensary Association. It will make the drug, which is marketed as Sirturo, available to national TB programs and to private providers with treatment programs approved by national programs. Bedaquiline, the first new anti-tuberculosis medicine to win U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval in four decades also received approval from the European Medicines Agency the month before.

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