Items tagged with Drug-resistant TB

Videos: Tuberculosis, a killer disease (post)

All you need to know about Tuberculosis, explained in six short web clips. Click here to watch the videos.

Story from Moldova: TB for 20 years with no hope of recovery (post)

Chased by tuberculosis for more than twenty years, Igor (42), from the small town Anenii Noi in Moldova, lives in dark hopelessness for a recovery. His wife has passed away and his children have been taken to a specialised institution.

TB in the United States (post)

In advance of World TB Day, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released 2 new studies, one summarizing the latest national TB surveillance data for 2013, the second looking at the toll of drug-resistant TB in the U.S.

WHO Western Pacific Region: Reaching the undiagnosed: An urgent call to action on World TB Day (post)

MANILA, 22 March - On World TB Day (24 March), the World Health Organization in the Western Pacific Region reiterates the need for governments, policy-makers, health care providers and civil society organizations to prioritize interventions to urgently find, treat and cure the millions of people who remain undiagnosed with the disease.

Pakistan: Some success: Treating tuberculosis with the food basket incentive (post)

KARACHI: Faces all around you are covered by masks, even your own, because the moment you enter the area you are handed a mask.

New childhood tuberculosis estimates double the number previously thought (post)

Researchers from Brigham and Women’s Hospital (BWH) and Harvard Medical School (HMS) in Boston have estimated that around one million children suffer from tuberculosis (TB) annually— twice the number previously thought to have tuberculosis and three times the number that are diagnosed every year. The researchers also estimated that around 32,000 children suffer from multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) annually.  These findings are published in The Lancet on March 23, 2014. 

Analysis shows mixed results on big pharma R&D efforts for TB (post)

In time for World TB Day today (March 24), an analysis has been published of research and development being carried out for tuberculosis by the 20 largest pharmaceutical companies.

USAID details TB work, results, continuing challenges in “Impact and Leadership” for 2013 (post)

By the time Azmara Ashenafi’s multidrug-resistant tuberculosis was diagnosed, she had been wasting away, coughing and running fevers for three years. She had been on ineffective treatment for six months. Her three-year-old son had drug-resistant TB as well.

South Africa: Infectious XDR-TB patients being sent home (post)

Cape Town - Patients with extreme drug-resistant (XDR) tuberculosis are being sent home while still infectious because there are not enough beds in TB hospitals and there is a scarcity of community-based palliative care centres.

South Africa: ARV programme saves 780 000 lives (post)

South Africa’s HIV antiretroviral (ARV) treatment programme saved 780 000 lives between 2003 and 2012, according to a recently released independent review.

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