Items tagged with Diagnostics

New tool makes it easier to diagnose TB in children (post)

  • Some 240,000 children worldwide die of tuberculosis every year, because the disease is often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed in time.
  • An international research consortium led by LMU has now tested a rapid new analytical tool with partners in South Africa, Malawi, Tanzania, Mozambique, and India.
  • The tool, which needs just a small blood sample from the fingertip, has the potential to significantly improve the diagnosis of tuberculosis in children.

Munich, 31 October 2023 – Around 240,000 children worldwide die of tuberculosis every year. The disease is among the top ten causes of death in children under the age of five. One of the main reasons for this mortality is that tuberculosis is often misdiagnosed or not diagnosed in time, particularly in regions with limited resources. A new diagnostic tool, which an international research consortium led by LMU medical scientists Laura Olbrich and Norbert Heinrich from the Division of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine at LMU University Hospital Munich has tested as part of a large-scale study in five countries, offers significant progress in this area. The authors report on their findings in The Lancet Infectious Diseases.

Scientists invent single, rapid test for both HIV and TB (post)

Researchers at Tulane have developed a new and rapid test that can detect both HIV and tuberculosis at the same time with just a small amount of blood.

Webinar: Time for $5 Campaign - A call on Cepheid to drop the price of GeneXpert to $5 (post)

RESIST-TB will host a webinar on 7 December 2023 'Time for $5 Campaign - A call on Cepheid to drop the price of GeneXpert to $5'.

Drug-resistant TB may be under-diagnosed, says genomic analysis in southern Mozambique (post)

A proportion of patients with drug-resistant tuberculosis (TB) receive ineffective treatment due to misdiagnosis by rapid molecular tests, according to a genomic analysis carried out in southern Mozambique and co-led by the Barcelona Institute for Global Health (ISGlobal), a centre supported by "la Caixa" Foundation, and the Institute of Biomedicine in Valencia (IBV), from the Spanish National Research Council (CSIC). The results indicate that new molecular tests need to be developed to detect a wider range of mutations that confer resistance to first-line TB drugs.

SMART4TB announces partners in developing groundbreaking oral, non-sputum-based molecular tests for TB (post)

BALTIMORE, January 9, 2024 — Supporting, Mobilizing, and Accelerating Research for Tuberculosis Elimination (SMART4TB) is excited to announce Boditech Med, Co-Diagnostics, Nuclein and Molbio Diagnostics as partners in developing oral swab-based, point-of-care molecular TB tests. 

NanoPin Technologies develops TB+HIV test to address global epidemic (post)

NEW ORLEANS, LOUISIANA, UNITED STATES, January 17, 2024 -- NanoPin Technologies, Inc. offers a new rapid test to detect both human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and tuberculosis (TB) from the same small draw of blood.

Novel approach identifies people at risk of developing TB (post)

A novel approach to studying the progression of tuberculosis (TB) from infection to disease has identified and treated people at increased risk of developing the disease that current methods of testing would not.

ProteinLogic and Stellenbosch University receive $1.3 million grant to develop blood test to monitor response to TB antimicrobial chemotherapy (post)

  • ProteinLogic, Cambridge, UK and Stellenbosch University, South Africa collaboration study funded by Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
  • ProteinLogic extends ImmiPrint® Technology to address TB antimicrobial chemotherapy response monitoring.
  • ProteinLogic ImmiPrint® diagnostic pattern of soluble immune proteins in blood and other body fluids portfolio defined using machine learning.
  • ImmiPrint® off-the-shelf diagnostics and disease progression monitoring tests address multiple disease areas including infectious diseases and oncology.
  • ImmiPrint® technology applicable to resource-rich and emerging economy clinical settings.

CAMBRIDGE, UK (2024-01-22): ProteinLogic, a biomarker discovery and commercialization company and Stellenbosch University, today announced that they have received a $1.35 million grant from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation to accelerate the development of ImmiPrint® Technology to monitor treatment responses to TB antimicrobial chemotherapy. The collaborative project was conceived and developed with the assistance of PTNG Consulting, a specialised science consultancy. PTNG Consulting will oversee the project management of this undertaking.

Can an experimental cell phone app screen coughs for TB? Scientists say 'yes' (post)

What telltale features—many inaudible to the human ear—separate one kind of cough from another? Scientists are on the verge of finding out with a new machine learning tool aimed at identifying the signature sounds of tuberculosis.

FDA awards breakthrough designation to AI-powered TB diagnostic tool (post)

Despite a decline for almost 30 years, tuberculosis (TB) cases have increased recently, with 8,300 patients in the U.S. testing positive for the disease in 2022, according to CDC data. Artificial intelligence (AI) aims to turn the tide, with a new application earning breakthrough designation from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) Center for Devices and Radiological Health.

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