Items tagged with Diagnostics

Study aims to shorten diagnosis for drug-resistant TB (post)

Drug-resistant tuberculosis (DR-TB) is a global health threat due to high mortality, cost of treatment and risk of transmission. In 2021, there were an estimated 450 000 cases of DR-TB worldwide and 191 000 deaths. South Africa has one of the highest numbers of drug-resistant patients globally, but shockingly only 50% of these patients are started on treatment.

Webinar recording: Time for $5 Campaign: Advocating for affordable GeneXpert tests and plans for the High-Level Meeting on TB (post)

Ahead of the High-Level Meeting on TB, Médecins Sans Frontières conducted a webinar on 8 September 2023 to provide information about the next phase of the Time for $5 Campaign, calling on the diagnostics company Cepheid and its parent corporation Danaher to reduce the price of the GeneXpert test cartridge to $5.

Can upper respiratory tract specimens be used to diagnose TB? (post)

In a recent study published in The Lancet Microbe, researchers evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of upper respiratory tract samples for active pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) compared to standard sputum or gastric aspirate testing.

PEPFAR launches new effort to fight TB: Goal to detect two million cases and prevent 500,000 deaths (post)

22 September 2023: Today, the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) launched an effort to detect two million active tuberculosis (TB) cases over the next five years and prevent at least 500,000 TB-related deaths among people living with HIV. According to estimates, more than half of the current TB cases among people living with HIV go undiagnosed. PEPFAR and its partners are committed to using new tools and new approaches that dramatically increase TB diagnosis and treatment coverage for people living with HIV.

Use of rapid tests to diagnose TB among people with HIV in Africa has increased, but barriers to implementation remain (post)

A study conducted by a student in ISGlobal-UB’s Master of Global identifies the main barriers for using the LF-LAM test as recommended by the WHO in countries with the highest disease burden.

India includes first skin test for latent TB diagnostics into national program (post)

The National Tuberculosis Elimination Programme (NTEP) has included Serum-Mylab’s indigenously developed latent test to detect tuberculosis to further its effort to eliminate the infectious disease by 2025.

Global Fund and Siemens Healthineers to accelerate adoption of artificial intelligence for TB diagnosis (post)

BERLIN, 16 October 2023– Siemens Healthineers and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (the Global Fund), announced a partnership at the World Health Summit today to accelerate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in X-ray screening for tuberculosis (TB), a preventable, treatable, and curable infectious disease that is again on the rise globally.

WHO announces the release of ScreenTB - a web-based tool to help countries prioritize action for TB screening and prevention (post)

16 October 2023 | Geneva -- WHO’s Global Tuberculosis Programme is pleased to announce the update and release of ScreenTB ( - a web-based tool designed to assist countries in prioritizing risk groups for screening, as well as  in developing screening and prevention approaches tailored to country contexts.

The Union: Free online course on child TB diagnosis (post)

The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) launched a new free online course on child TB diagnosis: Interpretation of chest X-rays (CXRs) in children with presumptive TB in high burden settings.

APOPO’s TB diagnosis approach remains in line with UNHLM goals (post)

Following the outcomes of the United Nations General Assembly’s second high-level meeting (UNHLM) on tuberculosis (TB) on September 22, APOPO is committed to redefining strategies for TB diagnosis.

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