Items tagged with Diabetes

Study on drug-resistant TB patients in India: Elderly TB patients with diabetes suffer higher adverse effects from medications (post)

The International Conference on Harmonization considers older people a “special population as they differ from younger adults in terms of comorbidity, polypharmacy, pharmacokinetics and greater vulnerability to adverse drug reactions”.

High rates of HIV and diabetes raise the risk of TB for South Africans (post)

Since the 1980s, HIV has contributed to an increase in tuberculosis (TB) cases across the globe. Recently, diabetes has been found to be an important risk factor for TB. In a new study, Yale researchers investigated whether having both HIV and diabetes increases the risk of developing TB among individuals living in rural South Africa.

BCG vaccine leads to long-term improvement in blood sugar levels in type 1 diabetes patients (post)

Long-term follow-up of participants in clinical trials of a generic vaccine to reverse advanced type 1 diabetes finds significant clinical benefits, including restoration of near-normal blood sugar levels. Three years after receiving two administrations of the bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccine four weeks apart, all members of a group of adults with longstanding type 1 diabetes showed an improvement in HbA1c to near normal levels – improvement that persisted for the following five years. The study from a Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) research team – published in npj Vaccines – also reports that the effects of BCG vaccine on blood sugar control appear to depend on a totally novel metabolic mechanism that increases cellular consumption of glucose.

Millions with high blood sugar face TB risk (post)

Millions of people with high blood sugar may be at greater risk of tuberculosis than previously thought, scientists said Friday, warning that diabetes and TB could combine to create the "perfect storm" of disease.

Diabetes may worsen TB prognosis (post)

Patients with diabetes diagnosed with tuberculosis are more likely to present with advanced disease and cavitation in the lungs vs. those with TB who do not have diabetes, according to findings from a cross-sectional study published in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.

Diabetes challenges TB control in Europe (post)

More than 10% of patients with tuberculosis enrolled in a study in eight European countries also had diabetes, including more than 28% of TB patients in England, researchers reported.

New Union technical guide for the co-management of diabetes mellitus-TB published (post)

The guide, developed in partnership with the World Diabetes Foundation, provides essential information for frontline health professionals for the management and care of people with both diabetes mellitus and tuberculosis (DM-TB).

Significant risk for severe TB and CVD in patients with comorbid TB/diabetes (post)

The majority of cases of type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM) in patients with tuberculosis (TB) are diagnosed, but are poorly controlled in 4 TB-endemic countries, according to a study published in Clinical Infectious Diseases.1 Moreover, many people with comorbid TB and DM had significant cardiovascular disease risk and severe TB.

World Diabetes Day: Statements by WHO and The Union (post)

The World Health Organization (WHO) and the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union) released statements recognizing World Diabetes Day (November 14) and pressing for a more coordinated global approach to tackling the urgent co-epidemic of TB and diabetes.

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