Items tagged with Diabetes

Video: Perfect storm: stopping the dual epidemic of diabetes-tuberculosis (post)

A documentary short film tells the stories of three people deeply affected by diabetes-tuberculosis in India - a dual epidemic on the rise worldwide.

New links found between TB and non-communicable diseases (post)

Friday, 28 October 2016 (Liverpool, UK) – A series of new research announced today demonstrates linkages between tuberculosis (TB), an infectious disease, and non-communicable diseases including chronic kidney disease and diabetes. In one study, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced research involving 102,072 patients, showing that diabetes is on the rise among TB patients and adding substantially to the costs of hospitalisation. The research was presented at the 47th Union World Conference on Lung Health, convening in Liverpool, UK, 26-29 October 2016.

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