Items tagged with Advocacy

As US Trade Representative arrives in Delhi, MSF urges India to stand strong against attack on affordable medicines (post)

New Delhi, 25 November 2014—As US Trade Representative Michael Froman meets high-ranking Indian officials to likely pressure the government to weaken its pro-public health patent law, Doctors Without Borders/ Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) urged the new Indian Prime Minister to take a strong stand against weakening a law that has helped millions of people in India and across the developing world get access to affordable life-saving medicines.

Aeras: Check out the TB Unmasked infographic! (post)

The TB Unmasked infographic tells a data-driven story about the risk faced by those on the front lines of tuberculosis. Nurses, doctors and healthcare professionals of all types are getting TB far too often and we must do more. It starts with education.

CSOs call for transition planning in countries facing declines in Global Fund support (post)

Thirty-two components in upper-middle-income countries became ineligible for funding in the years leading up to the new funding model

Ahead of Obama visit, MSF warns US pressure on India could impact access to medicines for millions (post)

New Delhi, 21 January, 2014—Ahead of US President Obama’s visit to India, the international medical humanitarian organisation Médecins Sans Frontières/ Doctors Without Borders (MSF) expressed deep concern over the US government’s heightened efforts  to undermine access to affordable medicines from India—often called the ‘pharmacy of the developing world.’ Millions of people across the globe rely on Indian low-cost generics, just as MSF relies on these to carry out its medical work.

At high profile India US CEO meeting, President Obama calls for tougher intellectual property protection despite deadly impact on public health (post)

Press Statement: For Immediate Release: January 27 2015
Contact: Matthew Kavanagh, +1 202-486-2488,
Asia Russell, +1 267 475 2645,

The Stop TB Partnership provides support for engagement of TB affected communities in the Global Fund country dialogue and Concept Note development (post)

Geneva, Switzerland - The Stop TB Partnership is calling on TB affected communities and representatives of vulnerable groups to ensure strong participation and engagement in the Global Fund processes and stands by ready to provide financial support through the Partnership's Technical Cooperation (TC) platform.

Country Coordinating Mechanism (CCM) Snapshot: A dire need to increase TB expertise in CCMs (post)

Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) are country-level multi-stakeholder partnerships, responsible for coordination and collaboration on Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria (Global Fund) related processes in country. Therefore CCMs are important for national ownership and participatory decision-making.

EHRN calls SIIC for a Partnership Forum in EECA (post)

EHRN addressed a letter to SIIC, whereby it strongly recommends considering the need to hold a Partnership Forum in EECA for the region to engage with the development of the Global Fund Strategy 2017-2021

WHO reviews its Essential Medicines List; Some new candidates under patent (post)

The World Health Organization is reviewing its list of essential medicines this week. Over 70 candidate medicines are expected to be assessed by an Expert Committee. Some of those medicines are under patent and highly priced, which poses an accessibility challenge.

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