Items tagged with Advocacy

Global Fund and tiered medicines pricing under debate (post)

The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria has launched an initiative with other agencies aimed at expanding global access to health products such as medicines. But the Fund has had some explaining to do about the initiative, which some say could encompass a plan to allow different prices based on national income levels.

WHO European Region: Joining forces to fight tuberculosis: a regional collaborating committee on TB control and care (post)

The Regional Collaborating Committee on Tuberculosis Control and Care (RCC-TB) has recently launched a new factsheet to outline what it is, it’s mission, the areas in which it can make a difference and what need there is for it. You can view the entire factsheet by clicking here. You can also read more about the initiative on the WHO RCC-TB page. The group is open to all TB stakeholders in the region - you can apply by writing an email to

Engage! brochure: Practical tips to ensure the new funding model of the Global Fund delivers the impact communities need (post)

Engage! brochure is developed with the aim to brief civil society and key populations on the new funding model and provide concrete suggestions as to how they can be proactive and engage in the country dialogue processes that lead towards submittal of a Concept Note to the Global Fund.

Civil society to the Global Fund: Abandon the tiered-pricing initiative (post)

Below is a communication sent by Civil Society Organizations to Mark Dybul and others calling for the abandonment of the Global Fund’s misguided tiered-pricing initiative. The CS letter is attached.

Released text of GF equitable access initiative still problemmatic (post)

Mark Dybul, Executive Director of the Global Fund has written an email responding to a letter from 220 civil society organizations demanding that the Global Fund abandon its “tiered-pricing” proposal.

Ministers of health agree to the goal of zero new deaths from TB at 67th World Health Assembly (post)

27, May 2014 - Geneva, Switzerland - The 67th World Health Assembly (WHA) took place in Geneva from 19-25th May, bringing together government delegations at the World Health Organization’s annual meeting. The WHA is the organization’s highest decision-making authority.

Fight the Fakes campaign grows, now includes generics companies (post)

The Fight the Fakes campaign announced today the support of the Generic Pharmaceutical Association and 10 other new partners for its campaign to raise awareness worldwide about the dangers of fake medicines.

WHO/Europe: Report of high-level meeting on World TB Day 2014 published (post)

The report of the high-level meeting organized to commemorate World Tuberculosis Day 2014 is now published.

Tajikistan launches its national Stop TB Partnership (post)

4 August 2014 – Dushanbe, Tajikistan – An event to inaugurate the national Stop TB Partnership in Tajikistan took place on 30 July in Dushanbe.

Public diplomacy in TB control (post)

If you are working on a TB-related project, please take a few short minutes to complete this very short online survey:

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