Items tagged with Access
Advocates ring the alarm on TB medicines and diagnostics stock outs across India (post with simple image)
Civil society networks in India call for the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare and the National TB Elimination Program to take urgent action.
International support for compulsory license to address access barriers to life-saving TB medicines (post with simple image)
Advocates urge the Indian government to issue compulsory licenses for patents on bedaquiline and delamanid to make the drugs more affordable and accessible.
TAGline: Delivering on the promise of long-acting formulations (post with simple image)
October 2021 issue of TAGline delves deep into the development of long-acting formulations for the treatment and prevention of HIV, TB, hepatitis C, and malaria.
Advocates urge Cepheid to reinstate plans to commercialize GeneXpert Omni (post with simple image)
Advocates call out Cepheid for canceling commercialization of the portable point-of-care GeneXpert Omni testing instrument and urge the company to reinstate plans to launch Omni, reiterating demands for Cepheid to reduce the price of GeneXpert tests to $5, inclusive of service and maintenance, across diseases.
An Activist’s Guide to Shorter Treatment for Drug-Sensitive TB (post with simple image)
This new resource provides activists with information about two shorter treatment regimens for drug-sensitive TB, and equips them with actions they can take and arguments they can use to advocate for access to those regimens.
Hepatitis C and TB Long-Acting Medicines: Analysis of Patenting Trends and Implications for Access (post with simple image)
Treatment Action Group releases a patent landscape investigating potential patent barriers for the development and delivery of long-acting formulations for selected hepatitis C and TB medicines.
Advocates call on Unitaid to prioritise AIDS deaths and TB treatment in its investment and strategic plans (post with simple image)
Prioritising AIDS/advanced HIV disease and TB treatment in Unitaid’s Investment Plan and Strategic Framework for 2022-2026.
No Patents on Prevention! (post with simple image)
Can patents affect access to TB preventive treatment? - a community guidebook, produced by the ARK Foundation of Nagaland, India
Advocates call on Indian government to stop using injectable agents for the treatment of drug-resistant TB (post with simple image)
Advocates urge the Indian government to stop using kanamycin for the treatment of drug-resistant TB and instead scale up access to all oral regimens.
#RightToPreventTB campaign: TB preventive treatment is a human right! (post with simple image)
The #RightToPreventTB campaign focuses attention on the urgent need to scale-up TB preventive treatment as a matter of human rights.
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