Items tagged with Access
An Activist’s Guide to Bedaquiline (Sirturo) (post with simple image)
The guide highlights important safety and efficacy data reported thus far and offers advocacy recommendations for activists to take forward.
Advocates call on Otsuka to reduce the price of delamanid (post with simple image)
Advocates ask Otsuka to lower the price of delamanid in line with Médecins sans Frontières target regimen cost of $500.
Reality Check: The Price of Bedaquiline (post with simple image)
The "Reality Check" dispels myths that have been circulated among members of the global TB community and used to justify pricing bedaquiline out of the reach of TB programs and patients.
Checklist of essential TB services (post with simple image)
A new checklist from Treatment Action Group lays out simply the core elements of an adequate TB response.
Rapid shift from global to national purchase of TB drugs increases risk of stockouts and use of drugs of unknown quality (post with simple image)
Activists urge international donors and country governments to ensure access to quality health products as domestic financing policies push programs to the edge of procurement cliff.
Médecins Sans Frontières calls on Johnson & Johnson to cut key TB drug price in half (post with simple image)
Warns high prices of TB drugs restrict people's access to best drug-resistant TB treatment.
Activists call on countries and donors to immediately scale up use of life-saving TB LAM test (post with simple image)
Provocative distribution of yellow lemonade in urine collection cups calls attention to need for this simple, urine-based test.
Activists urge National TB Programs and treatment providers to discontinue use of harmful injectable agents in TB treatment (post with simple image)
In a symbolic display, activists invited conference participants to discard the injectable agents and commit to rapidly scaling up access to safer, more effective medicine.
Activists interrupt TB conference opening ceremony to call on J&J to cut price of TB drug in half, to one dollar per day (post with simple image)
Activists demand that Johnson & Johnson cut the price of bedaquiline in half, to no higher than $1 per day—$32 per person per month—double the price that researchers estimate bedaquiline could be sold for a profit.
Urgent need to address the Global Fund procurement cliff for TB (post with simple image)
Activists urge the Global Fund and donors to take prompt action to address the grave risks posed to countries that are rapidly shifting from pooled procurement of TB medicines and commodities.
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