Items tagged with Access

Brook Baker: The dangers of the Indian government’s flirtation with U.S. pharma and the risks for India’s coherent, pro-public health IP policy (post)

India’s new Prime Minister, Narendra Modi and his delegation, who have been visiting the U.S. for the first time, have spent considerable time and energy in courting U.S. business interests. On Monday, September 29, the Indian PM met with 17 chief executives of major U.S. companies in joint and individual meetings1 and on September 30 he met with the U.S.-India Business Council comprising over 300 top U.S. companies.2  Prime Minister Modi is promising to open India to more direct foreign investment and to further liberalize the Indian economy to make it easier for multinational corporations to operate there. To the dismay of health activists worldwide, the US administration appears to have successfully used the Indian PM’s visit to maneuver the Indian government into committing to a joint mechanism on intellectual property. The benign sounding “High Level Intellectual Property (IP) Working Group” is designed to pressure India into changing its interpretation and application of health safeguards in India’s intellectual property policy, ultimately undermining India’s role as the pharmacy for the poor.

India: Government drags feet on ‘effective’ anti-TB drug (post)

MUMBAI: Bedaquiline, the first anti-tuberculosis drug manufactured after rifampicin almost 50 years ago, has been effective in five Indian patients, shows a new study by a city hospital. But it cannot be prescribed to other drug-resistant TB patients because the Indian government, unlike the West and the World Health Organization, has yet to approve its use.

Big Pharma lobbies hard to end India's distribution of affordable generic drugs (post)

In 2000, the international aid organization Doctors Without Borders launched small HIV/AIDS treatment projects in Thailand, South Africa and Cameroon. At the time, the cost of treating one person with anti-retroviral drugs was about $10,000 a year, posing a significant challenge for humanitarian groups fighting HIV/AIDS in developing countries.

UNCTAD forum: Local drug manufacturing a key to universal health coverage (post)

Local production of medicines in developing countries is key to advancing universal health coverage, but other factors need to be considered, such as the involvement of all stakeholders and policy coherence in governments, according to speakers attending the World Investment Forum this week. Several speakers called for a paradigm shift in global health.

Conflict in Ukraine leads to disruption to HIV and TB treatment (post)

People in Ukraine infected with HIV/AIDS or tuberculosis (TB) have faced interrupted treatment, especially in regions controlled by armed groups, says a UN report[1] on the protracted conflict.

Leaked TPP draft reveals extreme rights holder position of US, Japan, outraged observers say (post)

Critics poring over a newly leaked alleged draft of the Trans-Pacific Partnership agreement (TPP) intellectual property chapter say it shows the United States is taking an all-out lurch toward greater protection and less access, causing outrage among public interest groups.

Invitation to bid for the selection of First Line anti-TB drugs (post)

22 October 2014 - Geneva - On behalf of the Global Drug Facility (GDF) of the Stop TB Partnership, IDA Foundation, the GDF contracted procurement agent invites all eligible suppliers to submit a bid for the First Line anti-TB drugs described in this Invitation to Bid (ITB).

WTO, WHO, WIPO examine IPRs and middle-income countries (post)

The current income-based grouping of countries needs to be changed or access to medicines in middle-income countries will worsen, several speakers said yesterday at a joint meeting between three international organisations on health, trade, and intellectual property. But middle-income countries should step up their engagement in organisations such as the World Health Organization, according to WHO and civil society.

Documentary: Fire in the Blood (post)

When big pharma blocks essential HIV/AIDS medication to the third world, it is the poor who suffer.

Expect strong IP push from global pharma industry next year; WHO prescribes dose of reality (post)

NEW YORK – Strong intellectual property rights will be a top priority for the pharmaceutical industry internationally in the coming year and arguments for over IPRs versus medicines access are false, a top representative said at a high-level industry event this week. But views at the event differed on expectations of industry in light of the Ebola crisis, hepatitis C drug costs or other medicines access questions.

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