Items tagged with Access
Advocates call on Otsuka to ensure access to delamanid in South Africa (post with simple image)
TB advocates urge Otsuka to provide sufficient and sustainable access to delamanid for the treatment of drug-resistant TB in South Africa.
UNHCR and Global Fund strengthen partnership to expand health services to refugees (post with simple image)
GENEVA, 31 May 2017 – UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency, and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria today signed an agreement intended to improve health services for refugees and other displaced communities. This new agreement will strengthen UNHCR’s humanitarian response - focusing on public health and education as well as emergency care.
WHO updates Essential Medicines List (post with simple image)
WHO updates Essential Medicines List with new advice on use of antibiotics and adds medicines for TB.
Enter the African Medicines Agency, continent’s first super-regulator? (post with simple image)
An African Medicines Agency, the continent’s first super-regulator, could be approved as soon as next year.
Access to medicines for all by 2030: New WHO strategic framework sets vision (post with simple image)
Access to affordable and quality medicines for all is one of the major commitments of the World Health Organization, and its new medicines and health products strategic framework for the next 15 years calls for new research and development (R&D) models, including delinkage of the R&D costs from the price of products, and fair pricing.
Supporting Indigenous People to be part of TB programming (post with simple image)
The Stop TB Partnership launches a new vulnerable and underserved populations brief focused on Indigenous Peoples.
Advocates call on Kenyan DLTLD to adopt new TB test (post with simple image)
TB advocates urge the Kenyan Division of Leprosy, Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (DLTLD) to introduce a new, simple, and rapid TB test, TB LAM, which detects TB antigens in urine, and is an important tool for detecting TB in certain populations living with HIV.
An Activist's Guide to the TB LAM Test (post with simple image)
The guide provides important messaging and strategies to support advocacy and activism for access to LAM testing, the only point-of-care TB diagnostic test overall that has a proven impact on reducing TB deaths in people with HIV.
Advocates call on Indian authorities to ensure immediate access to delamanid (post with simple image)
TB advocates urge the Indian government to develop a concrete plan for introducing delamanid.
People still being denied improved treatment for multidrug-resistant TB (post with simple image)
Médecins Sans Frontières urges governments to step up the use of newer TB drugs.
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