Items tagged with Access
Voices from TB (post with simple image)
Voices from TB is a book compiling personal stories of people affected by TB in India - patients, survivors and their families.
DR-TB STAT: September 2016 summary and updates (post with simple image)
The DR-TB Scale-Up Treatment Action Team (DR-TB STAT) released its September 2016 update informing about the general progress in the introduction of bedaquiline and delamanid in TB programs worldwide.
Medicines Patent Pool announces MedsPaL: its new Medicines Patents & Licences Database (post with simple image)
Medicines Patent Pool's signature database upgraded to include patent and licensing data for HIV, hepatitis C and TB medicines.
Children with TB getting better treatment: rapid roll out of the new child-friendly medicines in 27 countries (post with simple image)
The new child-friendly pediatric TB formulations are being successfully rolled out globally in 27 countries by the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility.
Advocates call for the Ministry of Health in Peru to facilitate access to delamanid (post with simple image)
TB advocates encourage the Ministry of Health in Peru to develop country guidance on the use of delamanid for the treatment of drug-resistant TB, a first step to facilitating access.
An Activist’s Guide to Tuberculosis Drugs 2016 Update (post with simple image)
The guide provides a brief summary of safety and efficacy data for the drugs currently in use for TB, and suggests advocacy points for activists.
Eastern European and Central Asian countries unite to expand access to HIV and TB treatment (post with simple image)
Health ministers from eastern Europe and central Asia adopted on 3 November in Minsk, Belarus, a consensus statement on HIV and tuberculosis (TB) treatment for all, calling for expanded and rapidly scaled-up access to affordable, quality-assured medicines.
The Global Fund must not squander improvements to the TB response (post with simple image)
Civil society statement following the 47th Union World Conference on Lung Health, Liverpool
Unknown unknowns: poverty and tuberculosis in Romania (post with simple image)
Mircea,[1] a former miner in his fifties, spent the last four years of his life succumbing to Extensively Drug Resistant Tuberculosis (XDR-TB)[2] at the Pines Tuberculosis Sanatorium, which is located high on a mountain. After seven years with this otherwise curable illness, his family wanted little to do with him. He was one of the many patients who doctors in Romania refer to as “social cases”[3] [4]According to Dr. Ionescu at the Pines, patients like Mircea are “repeat clients” with “no chance of escape.” They are people with overlapping social and economic difficulties, such as poverty, homelessness, alcohol use, lack of family support, as well as the social stigma that comes with having TB in Romania.
MSF urges the Global Fund to freeze implementation of transition plans (post with simple image)
Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) expressed concerns about the Global Fund’s policies on allocation, co-financing, and transition.
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