Items tagged with Access

Global progress and challenges in implementing new medications for treating multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (post with simple image)

Introducing bedaquiline and delamanid in TB programs worldwide has not kept pace with the need for these drugs. Coordinated global action might help assist making these medications accessible for persons who need them most.

Inclusion of rifapentine in the Global Drug Facility catalogue (post with simple image)

The Community Research Advisors Group urges Sanofi to submit a bid for rifapentine to be included in the Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility catalogue.

Stop TB Partnership's Global Drug Facility jumpstarts access to new drugs for MDR-TB with innovative public-private partnerships (post with simple image)

The initiative will allow countries to access delamanid through the Stop TB Partnership’s Global Drug Facility at a price of US$ 1700 for each full-course treatment of six months’ duration.

UNITAID study looks at delinking cost of R&D from price of medicines (post with simple image)

The study explores how to separate the costs of research and development (R&D) from the future market price of vaccines, medicines and diagnostics – a concept known as “delinkage”.

UAEM calls for a people-centered approach to biomedical R&D (post with simple image)

Universities Allied for Essential Medicines (UAEM) launches Re:Route, a mapping of alternative biomedical research and development (R&D) initiatives.

Just 2% of people with the severest cases of drug-resistant TB currently have access to new, more effective treatments (post with simple image)

Médecins Sans Frontières released the 4th edition of its report DR-TB Drugs Under the Microscope. The report analyzes the barriers and factors affecting access to treatment regimens for drug-resistant tuberculosis.

WHO: Developing countries need smart IP systems for local medicines production (post with simple image)

The World Health Organization has released a report on the role of intellectual property in local production of medicines in developing countries. According to the report, the way countries design their intellectual property system is key in the development of local innovation and production. However, health outcomes will depend on the accessibility and affordability of good-quality essential medicines.

Lives on the Edge: Time to align medical research and development with people’s health needs (post with simple image)

Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) released a report that outlines shortcomings of the current system for new drug development. The report highlights resulting access barriers and proposes policy solutions.

Stop TB Partnership Global Drug Facility announces 70 percent price reduction for linezolid (post with simple image)

Linezolid is a critical component of regimens used to treat multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The GDF-negotiated price reduction is projected to save up to US$ 30 million over the next three years, helping to further improve equitable access to MDR-TB treatment.

Stop TB Partnership launches seven key population briefs (post with simple image)

The Stop TB Partnership released a series of briefs on TB key populations recognizing that reaching everyone with services, diagnostics, treatment and care is essential to ending the TB epidemic. The briefs focus on children, miners, mobile populations, urban populations, prisoners, rural populations and people who use drugs.

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