World Health Organization

WHO launches new 5-year roadmap to prevent and treat TB in children and adolescents

The roadmap outlines an ambitious five-year plan with 10 key actions to improve the prevention, treatment, and care of TB in children and adolescents.

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World Diabetes Day 2023: Equitable access to care for people with TB and diabetes

13 November 2023 | Geneva -- In advance of the World Diabetes Day, which is marked on November 14, WHO is highlighting the need for equitable access to essential care for people affected by diabetes and tuberculosis (TB). Equitable access to care is essential to ending TB, as highlighted in WHO’s End TB Strategy and reinforced in the political declarations of the United Nations high-level meetings on the fight against TB in 2018 and 2023. According to the 2023 WHO Global TB Report, diabetes is one of the key determinants of TB, with just under 400,000 TB episodes attributable to diabetes worldwide. People with diabetes are at higher risk of developing TB and are more likely to experience poor TB treatment outcomes, including death. This emphasises the need for ensuring access to comprehensive care for people affected by both diabetes and TB.

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Call for experts: WHO Civil Society Task Force on TB (2024-2025 mandate)

The World Health Organization launches a call for experts to serve as members of the Civil Society Task Force on TB. Deadline to apply: 23 November 2023.

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Global TB report 2023: TB response recovering from pandemic but accelerated efforts needed to meet new targets

Despite significant recovery in 2022, progress is insufficient to meet global TB targets set in 2018 with disruptions caused by the pandemic and ongoing conflicts being major contributing factors.

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Target Regimen Profiles for TB treatment and Target Product Profiles for TB tests

The World Health Organization releases updated Target Regimen Profiles for TB treatment and new Target Product Profiles for tests for TB treatment monitoring and optimization.

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Policy brief on TB-associated disability

The World Health Organization releases the first policy brief on TB-associated disability, presenting the current perspectives on the issue and approaches to mitigating the impact of these disabilities on health-related quality of life.

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WHO webinar: Launch of Operational handbook on TB and comorbidities: mental health

The World Health Organization (WHO) will host a webinar on 3 November 2023 to launch an operational handbook and an e-course on TB and mental health conditions.

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WHO Academy e-course: Harnessing the power of routine health facility data: Tuberculosis

The Global Tuberculosis Programme in collaboration with the WHO Academy is pleased to announce the launch of the e-course, Harnessing the power of routine health facility data: Tuberculosis.

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WHO announces the release of ScreenTB - a web-based tool to help countries prioritize action for TB screening and prevention

16 October 2023 | Geneva -- WHO’s Global Tuberculosis Programme is pleased to announce the update and release of ScreenTB ( - a web-based tool designed to assist countries in prioritizing risk groups for screening, as well as  in developing screening and prevention approaches tailored to country contexts.

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WHO call for expression of interest: Civil society representatives in the TB vaccine accelerator council

The World Health Organization (WHO) Global TB Program is providing secretariat support to the TB vaccine accelerator council, which was recently established to facilitate the development, licensing and use of safe TB vaccines that are impactful in halting the TB epidemic. Civil society representatives with relevant expertise and experience are invited to respond to a call for expression of interest to be engaged in the leadership group of the Council. The deadline to apply is 18 October 2023.

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