Kerry Cullinan

Critics blast ‘inward, technocratic’ MSF leadership for closing Access Campaign

The leadership of Médecins sans Frontières (MSF) is under significant global pressure to reverse its decision to close its Access Campaign.

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Ukraine’s ‘model’ TB programme destroyed by war, as global TB response faces ‘disastrous’ funds shortfall

Speaking in her car from an undisclosed location somewhere in war-torn Ukraine, Yana Teerleva, head of TB in the country’s Ministry of Health, lamented the destruction that she is witnessing every day in hospitals and clinics – including the shelling of three huge dispensaries where the country had stockpiled sufficient TB medications for the remainder of 2022. 

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Finally cause for optimism about TB vaccine research, says Fauci

There is finally “cause for optimism” in the quest for a tuberculosis vaccine, Dr Anthony Fauci, director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease (NIAD), told the opening of the sixth Global Forum on TB Vaccines on Tuesday.

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South Africa: ARV programme saves 780 000 lives

South Africa’s HIV antiretroviral (ARV) treatment programme saved 780 000 lives between 2003 and 2012, according to a recently released independent review.

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South Africa: Alcoholics more likely to get TB

Heavy drinkers are three times more likely to have tuberculosis than those who don't drink heavily. They are also far less likely to complete their TB treatment.

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South Africa: Prisons breed TB

South Africa's overcrowded, poorly ventilated prisons are "melting pots" for tuberculosis infection, according to Professor Robin Wood from the Desmond Tutu HIV Centre.

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South Africa: HIV/AIDS - Huge numbers

Last year alone, 376 000 people with HIV started antiretroviral medication- over 100 000 more than the previous year.

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