Stop TB Partnership

Track donor pledges online as Global Fund Replenishment approaches

25 November 2013 – Geneva – The Global Fund Fourth Voluntary Replenishment Conference, No Time to Lose: Sharing the Responsibility to Save Lives, will be hosted by the United States government in Washington D.C. from 2-3 December.

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Theme for World TB Day 2014 announced

Reach the three million
A TB test, treatment and cure for all

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Partners rally to support patients in Afghanistan after fire at TB drug warehouse

12 November 2013 - Kabul, Afghanistan - A fire that destroyed the entire stock of tuberculosis (TB) drugs in Afghanistan’s central warehouse threatened to leave TB patients in the country without the medicines needed to continue their treatment. But local and international partners rallied around the national TB programme to provide a swift emergency response.

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A double blow: Private-sector funding for TB research drops sharply amid severe public-sector budget cuts

As threat of drug-resistance grows, Big Pharma decreases investments in TB research by 22 percent.

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Roadmap available for Union World Conference on Lung Health

The Stop TB Partnership has prepared a roadmap of meetings, workshops and other events organized by partners during and before the World Conference on Lung Health in Paris.

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Mining executives agree strong corporate voice on TB needed

21 October 2013 – Johannesburg – With a TB and Mining Regional Summit planned for 2 February 2014 in Cape Town, mining company representatives have agreed to hold discussions on how to highlight and strengthen corporate sector contributions to addressing tuberculosis (TB) in the mining sector.

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Eastern European and Central Asian countries gather to discuss HIV/AIDS and TB threats

18 October 2013 – Brussels – On the initiative of Professor Michel Kazatchkine, the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for HIV/AIDS in Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), representatives from six countries in the region gathered today to discuss some of the challenges that EECA countries face as they confront the HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and multidrug-resistant TB epidemics.

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Agenda for the Stop TB Partnership Event on 31 October in Paris now available

17 October 2013 - Geneva - The agenda for the Stop TB Partnership event, New opportunities for funding and engagement - Your role in the future of the Stop TB Partnership, is now available on the Stop TB Partnership website.

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TB and mining on the agenda as private sector leaders gather in South Africa

16 October 2013 - Johannesburg - The GBCHealth African Regional Conference opened today, aiming to stimulate increased private sector engagement in major health challenges, including tuberculosis (TB) in the mining sector.

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First-ever targeted roadmap outlines steps to end childhood TB deaths

Cost to end deaths from childhood TB estimated to be at least US$120 million annually.

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