Treatment Action Group

An Activist’s Protocol Review Toolkit

A toolkit, developed by Treatment Action Group, is designed to facilitate community participation in the development and review of clinical trials protocols.

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TAG webinar: TB vaccine development: The next chapter starts now - webinar materials now available online

Treatment Action Group (TAG) organized a webinar on 13 April 2023 providing an overview of the TB vaccine pipeline, based on TAG’s recent Tuberculosis Vaccines Pipeline Report, including the different candidates at different stages of research, and ongoing and upcoming studies that advocates should closely follow.

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Nitrosamines and TB medicines information note

TAG and IMPAACT4TB project partners release several materials to explain how the identification of nitrosamines in rifampicin and rifapentine may affect the safety and supply of TB medicines, and what this may mean for TB programs and patients.

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Webinar: TB treatment trial results in context for communities - materials now available online

From the 2022 Union World Conference on Lung Health to the 2023 Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, several phase III treatment trials reported results with potential implications for TB policy and future research. On 14 March 2023, Treatment Action Group hosted a webinar where Dr. Jennifer Furin gave an overview of key results and how they fit into the larger TB policy and research landscapes.

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TAG webinar: TB vaccine development: The next chapter starts now

Treatment Action Group (TAG) will host a webinar on 13 April 2023 that will provide an overview of the TB vaccine pipeline, based on TAG’s recent Tuberculosis Vaccines Pipeline Report, including the different candidates at different stages of research, and ongoing and upcoming studies that advocates should closely follow.

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1/4/6x24 Campaign videos & World TB Day Toolkit

Treatment Action Group and the 1/4/6x24 Campaign Coalition launch the 1/4/6x24 World TB Day Toolkit to support advocacy the week of World TB Day for access to shorter, safer regimens for TB prevention and treatment.

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TAG applauds price reduction of Molbio’s Truenat diagnostics for TB

TAG applauds Molbio’s agreement with the Stop TB Partnership, USAID, and the Global Fund to reduce the price of Truenat diagnostics for TB from US$9 per test to $7.90 per test and to provide quality service and maintenance of Truenat testing instruments globally.

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CROI 2023 TB research round up

Treatment Action Group (TAG) released an overview of TB research data reported at the 30th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections (CROI 2023) held on 19-22 February 2023 in Seattle, Washington, USA. Highlights include the much-anticipated results of the SimpliciTB trial; additional analyses of the two-month TB treatment regimen studied in the TRUNCATE-TB trial; and the first clinical trial data on sutezolid since 2012.

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Webinar: TB treatment trial results in context for communities

Tuesday, March 14, 2023
8:00 am – 9:30 am ET

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TAG's 2022 Pipeline Report: TB Treatment

Treatment Action Group launches the 2022 Tuberculosis Treatment Pipeline Report.

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