
Unitaid-led working group will study how to fight antimicrobial resistance through access to innovative treatments and diagnostics

Geneva, 18 October 2017 – Unitaid has been chosen to chair a new working group on innovation and access for the UN’s Interagency Coordination Group on Antimicrobial Resistance (IACG), a role that supports global efforts to avert a “post-antibiotic era” in which treatments for common infections no longer work.

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New Unitaid grants reach out to children with TB

Geneva, 12 October 2017 – Unitaid’s Executive Board has approved two new grants worth a combined US$ 43.7 million to prevent tuberculosis in vulnerable populations, with an emphasis on curbing the devastating effects of TB on children.

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Unitaid commits US $21.4 million to the WHO prequalification programme

Geneva, 9 October 2017 – Unitaid is investing a further US$ 21.4 million in the World Health Organization’s (WHO) prequalification programme for medicines and diagnostics.

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Georgia on the frontlines of tackling drug-resistant TB — a photo story

Georgia continues to struggle with tuberculosis (TB), today’s leading infectious disease killer, and its drug-resistant forms. The homeless, unemployed, migrants, prisoners, and people who excessively consume alcohol are among the most affected. But the good news is that the number of people suffering from drug-resistant TB has dropped over the past few years largely due to the arrival of new medicines. The first drugs to be developed in almost half a century — bedaquiline and delamanid — now offer the opportunity to treat multidrug-resistant TB (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) more quickly and effectively.

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Unitaid Board approves new grants to prevent TB in high-risk populations and increase TB diagnosis in children

Geneva, 04 September 2017 – Unitaid’s Executive Board has approved two new grants worth a combined  US$ 74 million to prevent the spread of tuberculosis (TB), the world’s leading infectious killer, in populations most at risk of contracting the disease and to increase TB diagnosis in children.

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Unitaid publishes its latest TB Diagnostic Technology Landscape

The Landscape presents a comprehensive overview of TB diagnostic technologies that are commercially available or close to market.

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Unitaid joins UN group on antimicrobial resistance

Geneva, 10 May 2017 – Unitaid has joined the United Nations coordination group on antimicrobial resistance, recognizing the growing public health challenge it poses in the fight against HIV/AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.

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