Teena Thacker

India’s goal of ending TB by 2025 will be a tough task, says Global Fund

-- India has shown remarkable leadership in acknowledging that there is a big problem with TB
-- India is critically important to the global fight against diseases, but particularly TB

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Indian government negotiating with firms for better access to new TB drugs

The government wants Johnson & Johnson and Mylan to provide treatment for multidrug-resistant TB patients as part of the Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme.

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Mylan gets DCGI approval to market anti-TB drug delamanid

Mylan’s TB drug delamanid will be limited to those patients who have stopped responding to most of first and second line of treatment

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Indian government plans nutritional support for TB patients

New Delhi: With an aim to end tuberculosis (TB) by 2020, the government is planning to provide nutritional support to those undergoing TB treatment. The move aims to help speed up treatment and provide faster recovery from TB.

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More bad news on the way for India, TB epidemic larger than imagined, says WHO

Liverpool: Few days after the World Health Organisation (WHO) indicated that tuberculosis (TB) epidemic in India was larger than previously estimated and revised the TB estimates for India, the International health agency on Thursday said there could be more bad news on its way for India.

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DG of Health Services calls activists ‘unstable’ at conference on TB

Liverpool, 28 October 2016: In a further evidence proving that there is no room for critical voices in India disagreeing with government policies, the Director General of Health Services (DGHS) Dr Jagdish Prasad attending the 47th Union World conference on Lung health at Liverpool attacked the global health activists calling them “unstable”, “mentally unwell” when they came protesting, calling on Indian government to act and implement the policies and programs required to end TB in India.

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India: 1st in 50 years: Nod for new tuberculosis drug

With cases of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) and extensively drug-resistant TB (XDR-TB) threatening the country, Bedaquiline the first anti-TB drug manufactured after Rifampicin (almost 50 years ago) has been approved for use in India. Bedaquiline is so far approved in the US, EU and other major countries. In a recent meeting, India’s apex committee on drugs recommended waiver of local clinical trials for the drug and suggested its use under the government’s run programme for TB.

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