ECDC: World TB Day 2018

The fight to eradicate Tuberculosis (TB) is far from over; this often-overlooked disease is still among the top 10 causes of death worldwide. In the European Union and European Economic Area around 60 000 TB cases are reported annually. World Tuberculosis Day – marked each year on 24 March – is an occasion to raise awareness and advocate for efforts to eliminate TB.

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Call for Europe’s commitment to increase investment to end TB

4% annual decrease too slow to end TB by 2030

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ECDC: Systematic review on the diagnosis, treatment, care and prevention of TB in prison settings

People in prisons have a higher prevalence of several communicable diseases than the general population.

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TB/HIV co-infections up 40% across Europe over the last five years

New TB surveillance report released by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control and the WHO Regional Office for Europe ahead of World TB Day.

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ECDC report: Molecular typing for surveillance of multidrug-resistant TB in the EU/EEA

The report describes the geographical and temporal distribution of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB) using molecular typing data reported by European Union (EU)/European Economic Area (EEA) Member States for 2015 and the preceding years.

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XDR-TB reported in Romania: more cases may be expected

Four cases have been detected in Oradea Municipality, Bihor County, Romania.

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ECDC: Social media strategy development – A guide to using social media for public health communication

The guide provides public health organisations with a practical approach to integrate social media into their overall communication activities. It focuses on identifying effective ways to use social media to enhance crisis, risk and corporate communication with regard to communicable disease prevention and control.

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ECDC report: Molecular typing for surveillance of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis in the EU/EEA


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TB elimination at stake unless Europe cares urgently for vulnerable, poor and marginalized populations and migrants

High rates of multidrug-resistant TB and TB in vulnerable populations, such as the homeless, drug and alcohol abusers and migrants from countries with high numbers of TB cases continue to challenge TB elimination in Europe.

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Handbook on TB laboratory diagnostic methods for the European Union

The handbook is a comprehensive compilation of key methods in the field of TB diagnostics for laboratories serving reference functions in Europe.   

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