Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens initiative (CPTR)

ReSeqTB data platform available to public

CPTR is excited to announce the public launch of the ReSeqTB (Relational Sequencing TB Data) platform.

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CPTR Workshop 2016: Full content now available online

The 2016 Workshop of the Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR) initiative was held in Washington DC, from April 4-7, and was attended by more than 160 participants representing this cross-sector partnership. Attendees included leaders across the global health field, including drug developers, diagnostic developers, regulatory agencies, policy-makers, country-level health workers and community members, advocates, academia, and beyond. The CPTR initiative aims to speed the development and impact of new and markedly improved drug regimens and rapid drug-susceptibility tests for tuberculosis.

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GPP-TB webinar: Involving communities in TB research

In recognition of World TB Day, the Stakeholder & Community Engagement Workgroup (SCE-WG) of the Critical Path to TB Drug Regimens (CPTR) initiative will host a webinar on Good Participatory Practice Guidelines for Tuberculosis Drug Trials (GPP-TB), to highlight the importance of community involvement and participatory approaches in TB research.

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New publication highlights CPTR’s work on Hollow Fiber System Model for TB

The achievements and ongoing efforts of CPTR’s work on the Hollow Fiber System Model for TB (HFS-TB) are detailed in a new supplement published in the Clinical Infectious Diseases journal. The supplement includes an editorial by EMA on its qualification of this tool to reliably assess the potential efficacy of new drugs and combination regimens, an editorial by FDA supporting the use of this tool in drug development and articles co-authored by members of CPTR’s Preclinical and Clinical Sciences Workgroup. It can be read online here.

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Invitation: Participation in community engagement survey

Background & purpose

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